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Swords have been made in many different sizes over the past 3,000 years. Even within the very long medieval era, swords changed in length according to the styles of the time.

In the 10th, 11th and 12th centuries sword blades were around 76 to 87 cms long (30 to 34.25 inches), with a grip for just one hand. The other hand always held a shield, so only one hand was available to hold the sword.

By the 13th century swords with slightly longer grips were being made (called "hand and a half swords"), evolving into huge two-handed swords by the 15th century, when shields were no longer used.

During the 14th century it was the grip which evolved most, lengthening from just 4 inches to 9 inches, blades remaining in the range 32 to 42 inches.

Pommels also changed dramatically and swords can be roughly dated by the size and shape of the pommel, which acted as a counterweight for the blade.

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Gladius also known as a roman sword is a sword used to represent the primary sword of Ancient Roman soldiers. The sword has an average size of 25 to 32 inches.

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What is a long slender sword called?

The long sword used by the Romans is/was called the "spatha". It was used by the cavalry while the infantry used the :gladius". In the Late Empire the spatha was adopted by the infantry as well.

What were Roman swoards used for?

A sword was a weapon. They were used for killing things.A sword was a weapon. They were used for killing things.A sword was a weapon. They were used for killing things.A sword was a weapon. They were used for killing things.A sword was a weapon. They were used for killing things.A sword was a weapon. They were used for killing things.A sword was a weapon. They were used for killing things.A sword was a weapon. They were used for killing things.A sword was a weapon. They were used for killing things.

What weapons would a Roman army Auxiliary soldier have?

According to the evidence we have, a Roman auxiliary soldier in the 1st-3rd centuries AD would have worn a mail shirt, carried a large oval shield, and a long sword. Of course, this would have varied quite a bit by period and region, but in general auxiliaries were more lightly equipped than the legions, who wore heaver armor, carried a short sword, a long shield, and two heavy throwing javelins. According to the evidence we have, a Roman auxiliary soldier in the 1st-3rd centuries AD would have worn a mail shirt, carried a large oval shield, and a long sword. Of course, this would have varied quite a bit by period and region, but in general auxiliaries were more lightly equipped than the legions, who wore heaver armor, carried a short sword, a long shield, and two heavy throwing javelins.

What happen to excalibur the sword at the end?

The sword Excalibur, which came from the Lady of the Lake, is returned to the lake after Arthur's death at the battle of Camlann.

Who is Excalibur in King Arthur?

In the history of king Arthur he finds a competition to pull a sword out of a stone. He pulled out the sword and he named it Excalibur.

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What is a long sword?

A long sword is a sword that was primary used in western Europe it was used for sword and board type if item

How long does it take to smith a sword from start to finish?

The time it takes to smith a sword from start to finish can vary depending on the complexity of the design and the skill of the blacksmith. On average, it can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks to complete a sword.

Which is better in runescape a sword or a long sword?


Did Hermes have a sword?

Yes, long sword made out of gold

How long is the master sword?

The whole sword is 42 inches The hilt is 14 and half inches long

What is the best weapon in Monster Hunters 3?

The best weapon to use in attacking is a long sword,switch axe,and great sword. The good weapon to use in defending is a lance. The good weapon in speed is the sword and shield. It matters if your good at a long sword,switch axe, and great sword, lance,sword and shield. If you feel good when using a long sword then it means that it is power full.

How long is a dagger?

shorter than a sword but longer than a skin sword

What country invented the long sword?

England invented the long sword. You can tell not only by history, but by England's use of this weapon. When this sword was used, England was fighting to spread Christianity. If you turn the sword upside-down, it is a cross.

How long was a medieval long sword?

5 ft

Handle of a long light sword?

The handle of the long light sword also called a lightsaber is usually made of an insulator.

How do you get a long sword on monster hunter tri?

when you have repeled the lagiacrus and you are on the five star quests you can forge a bone long sword.

What is better in rune scape a two handed sword or a long sword?

they are kinda the same. two handed has more power, but long sword allows you to use a sheild. Rayquaza949 Rules lol. The 2 handed sword is a lot better.