Augustus had only one daughter, Julia. He adopted three of Julia's sons in order to have an heir, but two died and the third was unacceptable. He finally adopted Tiberius who became his heir.
Augustus, through his minister, Maecenas, was the patron of many writers. The one piece of literature that he directly commissioned and is most famous for is the Aeneid written by the poet Virgil.
That's easy: Gaius Julius Caesar (known as Caesar), Caesar Augustus (known as Augustus - or Octavianus), Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus (called Nero).
It wasn't Augustus Successor, it was Augustus Caesar. He was the nephew of Julius Caesar. Julius Caesar was a powerful man who was stabbed to death by his "friend" Brutus. After Julius died, Augustus was elected Emperor by the Senate. Augustus was a good leader compared to some other Emperors. One accually wanted his horse to be his general!
The Roman empire was an empire before Augustus. It was an empire under the republican form of government. In other words Rome was governed as a republic before Augustus. During and after Augustus the empire was governed by the principate form of government.
It's actually Cupid and it represents that Augustus was of divine descent.
Augustus had one biological daughter. Her name was Julia. However he adopted three of hersons, making five kids in total. Whoops! Four kids in total.
no but he wants them
look it up on googlelol
John Augustus Sutter had five children: John Augustus Sutter Jr., Ann Eliza Sutter, Emily Sutter, Augustus Sutter Jr., and Franz Sutter.
yes he had three sons two daughters
Augustus - novel - has 305 pages.
There has never been a Pope Augustus.
here is an example of a picture of Augustus...
There were 5 for the 5 kids: Charlie Bucket, Violet Beauregarde, Veruca Salt, Mike Tevee, Augustus Gloop
Augustus built roads aqueducts and many building
Augustus was elected consul seven times during his reign as Emperor of Rome.
Augustus was a pantheist, which means he worshiped many gods. However his favorite god and patron was Apollo.