it is 400 miles east to west hope this helps
The Roman Empire had been divided into the East Roman Empire, with its capital at Constantinople, and the West Roman Empire, with its capital either at Rome or Ravenna, in 395. The West Roman Empire was in a state of chaos, with various Germanic kingdoms forming, and though they nominally acknowledged the fact that they were in the Roman Empire, for the most part, they were not really under control. In 476, the last emperor of the West Roman Empire was deposed, and the emperor of the East Roman Empire was asked to assume control of the whole. This is the event referred to as the Fall of the Roman Empire. The Roman Senate, which had operated in Rome since before the Roman Republic continued to operate after the purported fall, and its last known act was after the year 600. The East Roman Empire continued to operate until Constantinople fell to the Turks in 1453.
About.... 3000 miles.
The Roman Empire covered what is not Italy, France, Spain, England, parts of Germany, Africa, and the Middle East.
400 miles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The roman empire extended for about 4500 miles from west to east.
The Roman roads formed a huge a network of 400,000 kilometres (250,000 miles) which stretched all over the Roman Empire. About 20% of this (80,500 kilometres, 50,313 miles) were paved roads. The empire stretched from England to northern Iraq west-east, and from central Germany and Romania to North Africa north-south. The southernmost road reached deep into southern Egypt.
Charlemagne's empire was called the Empire of the Roman People. This was rather inconvenient, because the East Roman Empire was still operating and WA also called the Empire of the Roman People. So today, historians call Charlemagne's empire the Carolingian Empire and the East Roman Empire of the Middle Ages is called the Byzantine Empire.
YES. In fact they moved them 850 miles to the east. And called it New Rome.
To Libya in the west, and central Asia in the east.
Rome has no coastline. Rome is a city roughly five miles inland and is situated on the Tiber river.
Aprox. 2300 miles in length
The Roman Empire dates to 27 BC, when Octavian was given the title Augustus by the senate. It divided permanently in 395 AD into the East Roman Empire and the West Roman Empire. The date usually given for the fall of Rome is 476, when the last emperor of the West Roman Empire was deposed. The East Roman Empire, however, survived until 1453. There is a link below.
They came from east Europe.
Aprox. 2300 miles in length