There was no fixed number of courses for a medieval banquet. In fact, some banquets went on for two or more days. There is a link below to an article on medieval cuisine which is rather long, but has some more information.
Medieval pilgrims were people who went on journeys or trips to distant places of religious importance. Such trips were called pilgrimages and people who go on a pilgrimage are called pilgrims.
Actually, they did bathe in the Middle Ages. The people believed that cleanliness was next to godliness and kept very clean. They also believed that bad air, with foul odors, carried diseases. They had public baths in many villages. Later, the Renaissance came. People discovered perfume and went into a period when the only parts of the body to get cleaned were the parts other people could see. They knew medieval people did not have perfume, and liked very much to describe the Middle Ages as inferior to their own, so they called the medieval people dirty and stinky. They convinced alter historians of their own superiority, and people still believe them.
Medieval people got up early. The only really strong light in the middle ages was sunlight, and people structured their work days to take advantage of available daylight. As a result they likely went to bed earlier than modern people do. This does not mean that they necessarily went to bed immediately at dark, but night time would have been a period of subdued activity.
Medieval life in England wasn't as good as it's believed to be. Between the years of 1066-1500, the medieval people were vastly productive, even though their technology was far behind ours. There were a lot of hardships and struggles that they went through, but on the up-side, they could use as much water as they pleased.
There was no fixed number of courses for a medieval banquet. In fact, some banquets went on for two or more days. There is a link below to an article on medieval cuisine which is rather long, but has some more information.
People who were not Catholic took over.
Medieval pilgrims were people who went on journeys or trips to distant places of religious importance. Such trips were called pilgrimages and people who go on a pilgrimage are called pilgrims.
they had great banquets, went to the colosseum to watch gladiators or/wit exotic animals fight, they went to the theaters or watched comedies,tragedies in their own home if they were rich..etc they played tui smelling games
they had great banquets, went to the colosseum to watch gladiators or/wit exotic animals fight, they went to the theaters or watched comedies,tragedies in their own home if they were rich..etc they played tui smelling games
the main reason they went on pilgrimages is to build their relationship with god
The legend of the vampire has went back for thousands of years. Many of the myths took root in medieval times.
They Jousted, Had Feasts and Drank Allot they had fairs and sometimes went down to the stocks and threw rotten fruits at people in the stoks
The people of the Middle Ages were very religious, for the most part. Nearly all of them went to church, many went to church daily, and at least some went more often than that. People could be confined to a castle for months, if times were bad. In such times people were in trouble, and could die at any time. The idea of being confined in a castle without a chapel would have been horrifying to many people.
It depends what year because medieval went for at least 3 centuries.
Knights went to banquets and feasted. They were also part of an important dance with beautiful women meant only for knights.