There were elected officials during the period of the Roman Republic. Their term of office was one year, except for the censors, whose term of office was 18 months.
You have a double question here. If you mean what were the main characteristics of the Roman republic, they were the same as any other republic, that is, every citizen had a right to vote. If you mean who were the main characters of the Roman republic, there's a long list of them. Here are a few. Lucius Brutus, the Gracchi brothers, Marius and Sulla, Cicero, Julius Caesar, Octavian. There were many more in the long history of the republic, the above are just the most famous.
Originally there were two tribunes elected, but by the end of the republic their number had grown to ten.
Many European nations base their law on Roman systems. So do most Latin American countries, which were once European colonies. Roman law has also influenced the Unites States. Many principles of the Roman Republic, such as equal justice under the law, became part of the American system of government.
It was a 1,000 years long.
464 years
From 509 BCE to 27 BCE - 482 years
There were 23,000 years passed between the Olmec culture and the making of Mexico. This is when the Roman Republic was found.
The Etruscans
Although there were many dictators over the length of the Roman republic, there could only be one dictator at a time.Although there were many dictators over the length of the Roman republic, there could only be one dictator at a time.Although there were many dictators over the length of the Roman republic, there could only be one dictator at a time.Although there were many dictators over the length of the Roman republic, there could only be one dictator at a time.Although there were many dictators over the length of the Roman republic, there could only be one dictator at a time.Although there were many dictators over the length of the Roman republic, there could only be one dictator at a time.Although there were many dictators over the length of the Roman republic, there could only be one dictator at a time.Although there were many dictators over the length of the Roman republic, there could only be one dictator at a time.Although there were many dictators over the length of the Roman republic, there could only be one dictator at a time.
The kings ruled Rome at the beginning of the city and then were overthrown by Lucius Junius Brutus who established the Republic.
An agricultural community was founded on the Italian Peninsula as early as the 10th century B.C. The Roman Kingdom period: 753 B.C.-509 B.C. The Roman Republic period: 509 B.C.-27 B.C. The Roman Empire: 27 B.C.-A.D. 476 , ended with Romulus Augustulus
Rome lasted from the time of Romulus and Remus (753 BCE) to (Vespasian Momylus) Romulus Augustulus (476 CE)
There were twelve civil wars in the last 64 years of the Roman Republic. There were also civil wars during the the fifty years of the Crisis of the Third century (AD), in 313, 324 and 350-51. At times there were riots. There were murders and there was violent crime.
The Roman Republic as the many Greek nations were never united for extended periods of time.
The luxury of the Roman Empire.... :)
The luxury of the Roman Empire.... :)