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AnswerBefore women had the right to vote, basically all they did was be perfect housewives. They worked on the families economic production also. Women were treated as property of men. Men had no respect for the women especially African American. African American women were raped, beaten, and tortured a great distance more than white females. Although, white females did go through the same struggle.
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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

During the English Civil War, radical Anabaptist sects such as Quakers, Baptists, and Levellers called for the spiritual equality of women. Officials at the Episcopalian and Presbyterian churches accused the groups of ripping apart traditional society. Women actively protested against the imprisonment of a Leveller leader, even physically attacking Oliver Cromwell and ripping off his coat. This was very radical for women of the time who were expected to obey their fathers and their husbands, without having an opinion of their own.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
1st AnswerWomen had no rights. They couldn't own property, were abused, mistreated, and considered chattel . It wasn't until the late 1890's that a woman could go to medical school, and in the Middle Ages women were unequal in every way. 2nd AnswerDuring the Middle Ages, women had rights. They could own property, and, in fact, could reign as monarchs in most countries. They had access to safe ways to escape abuse. They were legally not chattel unless they were slaves, and there were few slaves in most western European countries of the Middle Ages. Women could, and did, get educations, and included some of the best scholars of Europe, though not as commonly as men.

Women did not have the same rights as men. They were always last in line to inherit property or titles, after any living brothers. This was a very important encumbrance, and I think it was probably the most important reason why there were not so many important Women in History as men. Another important reason was that France and the Holy Roman Empire did not allow female monarchs, but many other countries did. And even France and the Holy Roman Empire allowed women to inherit other titles.

There were a number women who were monarchs in their own right. I am providing links to articles below on Ethelfleda of Mercia, Empress Irene of the Byzantine Empire, Margaret I of Denmark, Hedwig of Poland, and also to a list of queens regnant.

There were women who inherited domains smaller than kingdoms in their own right. Eleanor of Aquitaine, who was duchess of Aquitaine, is perhaps best known, but Empress Matilda, who was duchess of Normandy, is another. There are links below.

Women went into combat, including Eleanor of Aquitaine. Charlemagne married a woman named Fastrada, who had been a soldier in a Saxon army he defeated. And women were explicitly allowed to be knights. In Catalonia, there was the Order of the Hatchet, which was made up exclusively of female knights, all of whom had seen combat. Joan of Arc, as is well known, took control of the French army at the age of seventeen, and in two years turned the tide of the Hundred Years War in favor of the French. There is a link below to the Order of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which explicitly allowed female knights in its papal charter. And there is a link to an article on Joan of Arc.

Heloise, who was the lover of Peter Abelard, was apparently not of a noble family, and yet she was acknowledged as one of the best scholars of Europe, even as a teenager. There is a link below.

Trotula of Salerno was trained at the Medical School of Salerno, considered by many to be the best medical school of its time, and later was a professor there. She was also the author of some important books on medicine and cosmetology.

Almost all women, regardless of where they were in Christian Europe, had access to convents where they could escape abuse of any kind, whether from family or from the law, and regardless of whether they were innocent or guilty. This was part of the provisions of the Right of Asylum. When Isabella of Angoulême, who had been the queen consort of King John of England, was found to be attempting to poison King Louis IX of France, she managed to escape to a convent in that country. He respected the sanctuary of that place, and she died some years later of natural causes. There is a Wikipedia article on this subject, but it fails to address the rights women hand to assylum from abusive family situations.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Women were treated unfairly usually made to do either husbands or dads work. Women would cook, clean, farm work, house work pretty much the majority of the jobs around the house and farm. The husbands also used women to "satisfy" there "needs" when ever they pleased. If women in the 1400 didn't do what they where told they what suffer the consequences

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Women were generally considered to be the possesions of men.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

they were treated like loosers with no life

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βˆ™ 14y ago

they were beated and treated like slaves at home, they werent ewually treated

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Women were treated like property. They were essential for making babies, cooking, and cleaning. They had no say in anything. Men were superior.

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