In a medieval city, there was often a high wall around the city. The gate opened to let people in and out. If it was closed, enemies couldn't get in. There were not a lot of huge machines that could batter down a wall in those days, so it worked pretty well most of the time.
Long Streets, Yet Strait of the Medieval Town is a poem about a medieval town. It was written by Emmanuel George Cefai.
A medieval town is simply a town that was around during the Middle Ages, several hundred years ago. A Manor is a Grand house that's home to someone wealthy.
merchants ran very sizable businesses also they dominated the town and grew very wealthy
a midevil merchant class town dweller is a man who sold products in that era and lived in a town with class and dwelled on his problems
mud bricks
YES IT IS A MEDIEVAL TOWN . IT was built by the saxo0ns
Long Streets, Yet Strait of the Medieval Town is a poem about a medieval town. It was written by Emmanuel George Cefai.
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A gatehouse was a fortified building at a gate, designed to defend it and prevent attackers from passing through. A gate house could be at a castle, or a walled town or city, a fortified manor, an abbey, the precincts of a cathedral, or at a gate in any other barrier that could prevent people from passing. There is a link below to an article on gatehouses.
The gate leads to town. You can open the gate by completing chapter 1. After chapter 1 is complete, the gate will automatically open and you can go to town. In town there will be a lot of adults walking. Remember, they are adults. So if you hit them, the police will run after you.
Medieval Jesters traveled from castle to castle, in the Medieval town.
In medieval times they entered through Traitors Gate.
it is called a portcullis