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A crescent symbol on a coat of arms could denote that the holder is a second son, and looks like to crescents, one inside the other, usually facing diagonally to the right, or facing upward.

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The crescent means you are the 2nd born

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Q: In medieval times what did the crescent symbol indicate on a coat-of-arms?
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What is the meaning of a reverse crescent symbol?

The reverse crescent could be the symbol for a waxing moon. If this is what it is intended to symbolize, then it could indicate growth, or the anticipation of it, as the waxing moon is getting larger. There may be some arcane symbology as well as what has already been stated.

Is there a symbol for the moon?

Yes, there is a symbol for the moon. It is commonly represented by a crescent shape.

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The symbol for Crescent Point Energy Corporation in the NYSE is: CPG.

What is a symbol of Muslim religion and how is this the source of all that is?

It is crescent. In the early days of Islam, there was no symbols representing it. After Turks started to join Islam, they brought their symbol, crescent, with them. Gradually, the crescent became the symbol of Islam.

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the symbol is called the sky The crescent moon.

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Crescent and star symbol is mostly used by the Muslims. It symbolizes heaven and heavenly religion.

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What is the symbol that has a crescent moon and a palm tree?

The flag of South Carolina has a crescent moon and a palm tree.

What does the crescent moon and star look like?

the crescent moon & star looks like a moon (crescent) & a regular star

What does the symbol of three crescent moons stand for?

The three crescent moons stand for the wiccan or pagan moon goddess

What does the crescent moon and the sword mean to the judaisms religion?

The Crescent Moon and Sword is a symbol of Islam, it has no meaning in Judaism.