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In the Middle Ages when there were serfs they didn't have many cities to escape to. These people could leave the lands they were living on because they weren't owned like a slave, but worked like a slave. A city in the Middle Ages wasn't a particularly good place and were very rough to live around. They could be smelled miles away because of the human and animal waste in the streets and waterways. Cholera was always a problem because of the bacteria in the water and in the 1300's the plague that hit cities hard. A serf was mainly a farmer so he would be living on the streets in a city. There were people who did jobs like the rat catchers, the rag and bone pickers, and the men who collected urine to be used in many ways.

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It is actually 366 days. 1 year and 1 day.

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Q: Is it true that serfs could become free if they ran away and lived in towns for more than one year?
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Where did serfs live in the Middle Ages?

Most serfs lived on manors. These were farming estates that belonged to lords, and whose residents were mostly serfs. The serfs typically lived in a village or hamlet on the manor, in cottages. Some serfs were not agricultural and worked as laborers. They typically lived in cottages in villages or boarding houses in towns.

Why were medieval towns so crowded?

Medieval towns were crowded because serfs wanted more freedom and moved out of the manor land to towns.

What type of house did a medieval blacksmith live in?

Blacksmiths had to learn their skills through apprenticeship. This put them a bit above the ordinary peasant, but not much. They lived in villages and towns, but most of the villages were on manors, and so the houses in them were mostly peasant cottages. Presumably, the blacksmiths could afford to live in better houses than many of the peasants, but there were other people on manors who also had skills that put them slightly above the ordinary workers, and these included any weavers, potters, and carpenters, who happened to be there, along with the reeves and other officers of the serfs. So the blacksmith's house would not have been much better than that of serfs. There is a link below to an article on serfs' houses.

What was bad about being a peasant in the middle ages?

Most medieval peasants were serfs. Some were free. The situation for free peasants and serfs was different. Peasants were mostly farmers. As farmers, they had places to live and work, which they were less likely to lose than their counterparts in towns and cities were. In addition, for serfs, the place to live and work were guaranteed by the manorial system, as rights. Serfs were also supposed to have a right to protection in times of war or famine - the lord was legally obliged to provide these things. Disadvantages included a lack of social mobility. Peasants did not normally get educated, and did not have an easy way to improve their lives. Again, for serfs, they were obliged to remain at their jobs on the manors, and could not legally leave. They were said to be bound to the soil. There were times of unrest in Europe when free people gave up their freedom to become serfs on manors, because they would otherwise starve or be somehow otherwise destroyed. The protection serfs got was very important when things were bad.

Where did roman senators live?

If you mean where did senators live in ancient Rome, they lived in ordinary houses. If the senator were wealthy the house was large and usually on the Caelian Hill, where most of the wealthy lived. There was no area set aside for members of the senate and each man lived in the style or neighborhood that his pocketbook could afford.

Related questions

Where did serfs live in the Middle Ages?

Most serfs lived on manors. These were farming estates that belonged to lords, and whose residents were mostly serfs. The serfs typically lived in a village or hamlet on the manor, in cottages. Some serfs were not agricultural and worked as laborers. They typically lived in cottages in villages or boarding houses in towns.

Why were medieval towns so crowded?

Medieval towns were crowded because serfs wanted more freedom and moved out of the manor land to towns.

Were serfs attrackted to towns?

No they were slaves and had to live/work where they were told.

How did new farming methods contribute to the growth of medieval European towns?

People who lived in towns could start to raise their own food

Where did most people live in the middle ages?

1st Answerthey lived in the villages. in small dark and damp houses. 2nd AnswerDuring the Early Middle Ages, most people lived on manorial estates. Most people were farmers on the estates, and they were called serfs. The estates had villages on them, and the serfs usually lived in them, but the villages were very small, as they were homes to only the serfs. Later, during the High Middle Ages and, to an even greater extent, during the Late Middle Ages, many of the serfs moved to towns and cities. The country and village cottages serfs lived in were small, usually of a single room. They typically had dirt floors, and the walls were either of stone or of woven reeds called wattle hung on a wooden frame. The stone or wattle was chinked or plastered with a mud mixture called daub. The roofs were often thatched of bundles of reeds. There were few windows, and those that existed were not glazed. Since chimneys had not yet been invented, there were no fireplaces, though there could be hearths or an area in the middle of the floor where a fire could be lit. The smoke went out a hole in the roof or holes high in the walls.Towns offered the working class people accommodations that were hardly better, and possibly worse. The people who lived on elevated floors did not have heat unless they had braziers, which many could not afford, and the rooms were smaller. Very likely they had no cooking facilities whatever, and this has been shown by inventories of possessions of people who died; nearly none of the poor had pots, pans, or other cooking tools.There are links to related questions below.

Are there ghost in ghost towns?

it is possible that ghots are in ghost towns but it could just be called a ghost town because all the people that lived there had left without a trace

In medieval Germany people who lived in walled town rather than in rural areas?

Towns folk were largely middle class people, above the serfs but below the nobility. They included a lot of skilled craftsmen, wood carvers, stone masons, bakers, chandlers, soap makers, inn keepers, and so on. They also included a number of clergy, clerks, lawyers, accountants, physicians and the like. There were nobility who lived in towns. And, of course, there were villeins, whose social status was the same as that of the serfs, and who provided unskilled labor.

How do you become a paperboy in allentown pa?

mostly in towns i have lived in we just go to the town's recreation center and ask how to sign up

What type of house did a medieval blacksmith live in?

Blacksmiths had to learn their skills through apprenticeship. This put them a bit above the ordinary peasant, but not much. They lived in villages and towns, but most of the villages were on manors, and so the houses in them were mostly peasant cottages. Presumably, the blacksmiths could afford to live in better houses than many of the peasants, but there were other people on manors who also had skills that put them slightly above the ordinary workers, and these included any weavers, potters, and carpenters, who happened to be there, along with the reeves and other officers of the serfs. So the blacksmith's house would not have been much better than that of serfs. There is a link below to an article on serfs' houses.

Who could become citizens in medieval cities?

No. Only men were able to become citizens of any medieval towns. Not women

Where did serfs get their ale from?

Ale was easily made at home from barley which was grown by most farming serfs and brewed by their wives. The ale could be brewed quickly and frequently, giving a constant supply of drinkable (but not very alcoholic) beverage.In towns and cities there were professional brewers making stronger ale (godale in Middle English) and ale-houses (tavernes) where drink could be bought.

How did the common serfs learn about the bible if they could not read or write?

They attended worship services. Many towns had their own preacher. The smaller settlements relied on traveling ministers to stop by and share bible stories with them.