It is probably better to refer to the Dark Ages as the Early Middle Ages, if the time intended is 476 to 1000 AD. Otherwise, it is better to refer to the time as the Middle Ages, or part of the Middle Ages.
The term dark ages is based on the idea that this was a time of ignorance and lack of intellectual development, which is not the case. The decline in intellectual activity began in the second or third century, and was largely complete by the year 476.
During the so-called Dark Ages, there was a slow growth in learning. Schools were being opened during the entire period, architecture was developing, things were being invented, at least one encyclopedia was written, and commerce was slowly improving.
It is called the Dark Ages.It is called the Dark Ages.It is called the Dark Ages.It is called the Dark Ages.It is called the Dark Ages.It is called the Dark Ages.It is called the Dark Ages.It is called the Dark Ages.It is called the Dark Ages.
It had provided a safe haven during the Dark Ages
People of the dark ages wore clothes, just as people in temperate climates have through all history.
MediEvil is a video game featuring an undead knight. This category is for the Middle Ages, which is also known as "medieval".
The simple answer is that the medieval period is also called the Middle Ages. There is some complexity, however. The period from the 5th through 10th centuries was called the Dark Ages, but the term Early Middle Ages is more common now. What used to be called the Middle Ages, a time from the 11th to 15th centuries, is now often counted as the High Middle Ages (1000 to 1300) and Late Middle Ages (1300 to some time in the 15th century).
Dark Ages and\or Medieval Ages
Dark Ages
Dark Ages
dark death
dark death
dark ages, middle ages, feudal, medieval,age of faith.
Light hadn't been invented yet.
Who was the leader of the dark ages
The Renaissance was not labeled the "dark ages". Renaissance means "rebrith" and it came AFTER the "dark ages or the middle ages."
During the so-called Dark Ages, Spain was a bunch of independent kingdoms (countries) each with its own name. Some of them included:CastillaLeonEstremaduraNavarreValenciaAragon
Before. Rome fell in 410 AD which started the "dark ages"
I would say the name Dark Ages creates a misunderstanding of the time. The original meaning of the term Dark Ages was a time that was obscure because people did not write much down. The term implies a time especially troubling and difficult. While the Dark Ages were a time with their share of wars, plague, and famine, they were really more a time of recovery from the collapse of the Roman Empire. The Carolingian Renaissance, the Macedonian Renaissance, and the Ottonian Renaissance were all times of cultural advance during the so-called Dark Ages.