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Early Rome was influenced by two of her neighbours, the Sabines and the Etruscans, and by the Greeks who lived in southern Italy. Over time the influence of the Sabines and the Etruscans faded, while that of the Greeks increased.

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The early development of Rome was influenced firstly by its location. It had hills for safety, a river that took them to the sea and it had easy access to the interior of Italy via the Ford on the Tiber. Culturally early Rome was influenced both by the Etruscans and the Greeks from southern Italy.

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Q: The early development of rome was mostly influenced by the?
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The early development of Rome was most influenced by the?

Etruscans, Who launched a building program that turned Rome into a city.

Which 2 groups of people influenced early rome?

The Greeks and the Etruscan influenced both early Rome and early Latium (land of the Latins). Archaeological finds have shown influences from both Etruria and the Greek colony (settlement) of Cumae, near Naples. Early Rome was also influenced by the Sabines, who lived on the mountains to the east of Rome. The foundation of Rome was said to have involved a fusion between the Latins who lived on the seven hill of Rome and Sabines who settled on two of these hills. They influenced early Roman religion. The Roman god Quirinus was of Sabine origin.

Early development of rome was mostly infuenced by the.... A macedonians B Greeks C ETruscans D Campanians?

Etruscans or Tyrrhenioi in Greek language were the people who influenced the developments of the earle Roman era and were living in the central and westnorth parts of today's Italy. Ih the Hellenistic period the southern part of modern Italy was populated by the Greeks who migrated from various places of Greece in the seek of a better life.

Who was Early Rome ruled by the?

Early Rome was ruled by the Etruscans.Early Rome was ruled by the Etruscans.Early Rome was ruled by the Etruscans.Early Rome was ruled by the Etruscans.Early Rome was ruled by the Etruscans.Early Rome was ruled by the Etruscans.Early Rome was ruled by the Etruscans.Early Rome was ruled by the Etruscans.Early Rome was ruled by the Etruscans.

Describe the cultural setting in which Rome developed?

Rome was was influenced by the Etruscans--their language, construction and engineering, and religion.

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Who influenced the development of the rome?

In her early days Rome was influenced by the Sabines, the Etruscans and the Greeks. The influenced of the former two soon waned. Greek influence persisted and increased.

The early development of Rome was most influenced by the?

Etruscans, Who launched a building program that turned Rome into a city.

How did Rome's location near the Mediterranean Sea and the Tiber River influence Rome's development?

Rome's location near the Mediterranean Sea and the Tiber River influenced it's development by making Rome one of the largest empires in the ancient world.

Which 2 groups of people influenced early rome?

The Greeks and the Etruscan influenced both early Rome and early Latium (land of the Latins). Archaeological finds have shown influences from both Etruria and the Greek colony (settlement) of Cumae, near Naples. Early Rome was also influenced by the Sabines, who lived on the mountains to the east of Rome. The foundation of Rome was said to have involved a fusion between the Latins who lived on the seven hill of Rome and Sabines who settled on two of these hills. They influenced early Roman religion. The Roman god Quirinus was of Sabine origin.

Was it the plebeians or the etruscans that influenced Rome?

It was both groups of people who influenced Rome. The Etruscans had a cultural influence on the early Romans and the plebeians, although Romans, had an impact on civil law and legal matters.It was both groups of people who influenced Rome. The Etruscans had a cultural influence on the early Romans and the plebeians, although Romans, had an impact on civil law and legal matters.It was both groups of people who influenced Rome. The Etruscans had a cultural influence on the early Romans and the plebeians, although Romans, had an impact on civil law and legal matters.It was both groups of people who influenced Rome. The Etruscans had a cultural influence on the early Romans and the plebeians, although Romans, had an impact on civil law and legal matters.It was both groups of people who influenced Rome. The Etruscans had a cultural influence on the early Romans and the plebeians, although Romans, had an impact on civil law and legal matters.It was both groups of people who influenced Rome. The Etruscans had a cultural influence on the early Romans and the plebeians, although Romans, had an impact on civil law and legal matters.It was both groups of people who influenced Rome. The Etruscans had a cultural influence on the early Romans and the plebeians, although Romans, had an impact on civil law and legal matters.It was both groups of people who influenced Rome. The Etruscans had a cultural influence on the early Romans and the plebeians, although Romans, had an impact on civil law and legal matters.It was both groups of people who influenced Rome. The Etruscans had a cultural influence on the early Romans and the plebeians, although Romans, had an impact on civil law and legal matters.

How did latin influence Rome?

The latins influenced rome becuase they founded thier city.

How did citizenship descend from ancient rome to modern times?

The Roman and Greek citizenship influenced the development of modern Europe and the US.

The ideals developed in the athens of pericles and in the republican rome influenced the development of?

A parlament in Britain

which statement accurately describes how historical society influenced the development of democracy?

Citizens in ancient Rome established a republican form of government.

What is one major difference between the development of early Rome and the development of early Greece?

The Greeks spread by cities sending out surplus populations to form new independent city-states around the Mediterranean and Black Seas, with over 2,000 established. Rome expanded by conquest.

How did Rome effect the early development of the city?

It progressively defeated its neighbours and expanded its control through Italy.

What groups of people influenced the ancient Roman Civilizations?

Early Rome was heavily influenced by the Etruscans. During the Etruscan rule, which was around 250 years, many aspects of Etruscan culture were absorbed by the Romans.Early Rome was heavily influenced by the Etruscans. During the Etruscan rule, which was around 250 years, many aspects of Etruscan culture were absorbed by the Romans.Early Rome was heavily influenced by the Etruscans. During the Etruscan rule, which was around 250 years, many aspects of Etruscan culture were absorbed by the Romans.Early Rome was heavily influenced by the Etruscans. During the Etruscan rule, which was around 250 years, many aspects of Etruscan culture were absorbed by the Romans.Early Rome was heavily influenced by the Etruscans. During the Etruscan rule, which was around 250 years, many aspects of Etruscan culture were absorbed by the Romans.Early Rome was heavily influenced by the Etruscans. During the Etruscan rule, which was around 250 years, many aspects of Etruscan culture were absorbed by the Romans.Early Rome was heavily influenced by the Etruscans. During the Etruscan rule, which was around 250 years, many aspects of Etruscan culture were absorbed by the Romans.Early Rome was heavily influenced by the Etruscans. During the Etruscan rule, which was around 250 years, many aspects of Etruscan culture were absorbed by the Romans.Early Rome was heavily influenced by the Etruscans. During the Etruscan rule, which was around 250 years, many aspects of Etruscan culture were absorbed by the Romans.