The Roman catholic church during the middle ages in Europe can best be described as a church that was a stable influence. This was during a time where central governments were weaker.
Catholic Church
The Catholic Church Humanities 205 University Of Phoenix Answer Romans and Athenians were in a war that affected their power and influence on Europe.
Oversimplified, the major unifying force of Europe during the middle ages was universal Christianity (both Roman Catholic and Orthodox) providing an us-vs-them mentality in oppostion to their Islamic foes in the Ottoman Empire, the caliphates (abbasid, fatimid, etc.), the Emirate of Cordoba, and Al-Andulas.
The Church provided a sense of stability, unity, and order.Roman Catholic AnswerThe Middle Ages in Europe were a time of intense Catholicism. The people were very devout and their entire lives revolved around the Church. Many young people entered religious orders and for the most part family life revolved around the local parish Church. Spiritually, the people in the Middle Ages were far advanced from the spiritual morass in whicht our world currently finds itself.
The Roman Catholic Church was the head of everything and held together Europe during its bad times. But once things became better and people started thinking more that's when other denominations started appearing like the Lutherans and other Protestant churches.
Roman catholic
Catholic Church
Catholic Church!
the catholic church
the catholic church
the catholic church
he stole cows from the roman catholic church
The Roman Catholic Church.
the catholic church
Religious issues ,because they challenged the catholic Church and the Pope.
Roman Catholic AnswerNone, the Catholic Church did more than any other institution to save people during Hitler's reign of terror in Europe.