being a good ruler and was sucessful on the battleflied another great thing that he did wasexpand the roman borders
The romans did more good than harm,because they gave us many things like public baths etc. On the other hand, they did do some harm by treating slaves badly. If you disagree with me, make an answer immediately
the roman republic was a good source of inspiration because the =y were the one in lead and the roman got inspired by them.
Octavian was the nephew and heir of Julius Caesar, the very famous general and statesman. As such, he was famous for his family connections, before he was famous for anything he did. Octavian proved himself in office, and is remembered for his governing abilities.
The Roman chain of command had some layers that may seem odd to us. Ultimately, during the republic, the senate was in command of the armies. Ultimately, during the principate, the ruling emperor was in command of the armies. However, if a governor of a province had legions stationed there, he was in command of them, even though each legion had a commander called a legate. For example, when the Senate authorized Julius Caesar to take five legions in Gaul, those legions were either newly recruited, or taken from another province. The commanders of the legions, the legates, would still be in command of their legion, but they, in turn, would take their orders from Caesar.
Yes, Bismarck was one of the few who read and understood him at the time. He was especially influenced in Clausewitz's military theory. Additionally, US West Pointers used Clausewitz to a good degree in the US Civil War.
Adults in the book "Flipped" by Wendelin Van Draanen help us understand Juli and Bryce by providing different perspectives on their behavior and relationships. Through their interactions with Juli and Bryce, adults offer insight into their strengths, weaknesses, and growth as characters. This helps readers to see Juli and Bryce in a more nuanced light and understand their motivations and actions better.
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save us
"All I knew was that he had the most beautiful eyes I'd ever seen and that his smile melted my heart like the sun melts butter. But now I know that inside he's a coward and a sneak" -Juli Baker "Some of us get dipped in flat, some in satin, some in gloss. But every once in a while, you find someone who's iridescent, and when you do, nothing will ever compare." -Grandpa Chet
Yes fruits are always good for us as they contain many things our body needs.
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Food can give us energy to do things. It also gives things like iron, vitamins, calcium, zinc.
to tell us what things are good or bad
If you do good in the sight of God, (following His laws,) and follow Him, you can be a part of The Body of Christ. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.
The grandnephew of Julius Caesar was Octavian, also known as Augustus. He was Caesar's great-nephew and adopted son, who went on to become the first Roman emperor. So, there you have it, Caesar's grandnephew was the one and only Augustus. Hope that clears things up for you!
In Ancient Rome, girls' names typically ended in "-a" or had a feminine suffix like "-ia" or "-illa," while boys' names often ended in "-us" or had masculine suffixes like "-ius" or "-o." Some common examples are Julia for girls and Julius for boys.
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