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To keep things balanced Make sure things don't get over ruled

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There were many problems because lots of people rebelled against the mighty king William the Conqueror!!!

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Q: Were there any problems in the feudal system?
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Did Romans use the feudal system?

No, the feudal system was a medieval system.

Where did the feudal system exist?

feudal is the answer

What property rights did women have in the feudal system?

I do not believe women in the feudal era had any rights unless they were of noble blood or were priestess'.

What was one of the outgrowths of the feudal system?

Chivalry was an outgrowth of the feudal system

In the feudal system were there any advantages for the peasants?

No, there was no advantage to being a peasant. The feudal system was designed to benefit the upper classes, not the lower. People did not choose to be peasants, they were forced into that role.

What was the responserbility of a Monk in the feudal system?

Monks were not part of the feudal system. They were part of the Church clergy and held no land of their own; they owed no feudal obligation to any overlord and were not governed by the king's law.The Church as an institution held land and might also have manors, peasants and knights owing feudal obligations to an abbot or bishop, but monks were in no way connected with any of this.

What responsibilitys did peasants have in feudal system?

They supported the entire feudal system by working the land.

What is a feudal laborer?

a labourer who labours under a feudal system

How feudal system work?

the feudal system works how by William taking the mici out of people to be loyal to him.

Why did William build a feudal system?

William created the feudal system to keep control of England

Was the feudal system weakened of strengthened because of the crusades?

The feudal system was weakened because of the crusades.

Who was the feudal system between?

The feudal system was imposed on serfs (poor farmers) by Princes: the wealthy nobility.