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The three periods of Roman history were the monarchy, the republic and the principate. They were divided this way by the types of government in those periods.

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Q: What are the 3 periods of Roman history and why were they divided this way?
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What heavily influenced the roman way of life and government?

The Roman way of life and government was influenced by mos majorum (the ways of the ancestors); that is, tradition. The way of life of the Roman elites was also influenced by the Greeks.

Where is the Roman road - Fosse Way?


Why was Europe divided into many kingdoms during the middle ages?

Europe was divide into countries in a way similar to what it is today in many places, primarily by language and culture. Parts of Europe were divided into many kingdoms, and other parts were not. The reasons behind the way things were varied from place to place. The Byzantine Empire was large through much of the Middle Ages, though it tended to get smaller as time passed. France was not quite as large as it is today. The Holy Roman Empire was a good deal larger than modern Germany. After the middle of the 10th century, England was about the same size as it is. There a number of kingdoms within the Holy Roman Empire, but they were feudal territories inside a monarchy, much like counties or duchies. Spain was divided into small kingdoms, which gradually united. Italy had kingdoms and republics, and was basically a number of city states at some points in history. Norway, Sweden, and Denmark were separate kingdoms, but they were united in the Kalmar Union by Queen Margaret I of Denmark.

Augustus is an important figure in Roman history because he did what?

Augustus is a very important figure in Roman history because of the several things he did. He began by ending the civil wars of the republic and taking supreme power. However the way he did this was a masterpiece of manipulation of the Roman legal system. He was fortunate to have able people surrounding him and advising him. He also literally rebuilt the city of Rome from the sewers to the temples and he established the period of time called the Pax Romana which was the basis for Rome's expansion and prosperity. He made social and military reforms and appointed capable men to the senate, rather than men who received their senatorial seat by family prominence. Augustus also created the "Imperial" system of government in ancient Rome.

What is the relationship between the Roman Empire and the various medieval empires that used the same name?

There were four empires that called themselves the Roman Empire: the ancient Roman Empire, the Byzantine Empire, the Carolingian Empire, and the Holy Roman Empire. The ancient Roman Empire divided at different times, between an eastern half and a western half. It divided in 395, at the death of Emperor Theodosius I, and remained divided until the West Roman Empire fell in the 5th century. The date usually given is 476, but in fact it was a slow process drawn out over many years. The East Roman Empire remained intact, and continued until it fell in 1453. It was always called the Roman Empire by the people who lived there, and by many others. Today, we call the medieval East Roman Empire by the name Byzantine Empire, a name that was invented in the 17th century. Though it is not what they were called by anyone at the time, it is a useful name because it distinguishes them from the ancient Roman Empire, and from other empires that also claimed to be Roman. Modern historians date the change from East Roman Empire to Byzantine Empire as early as 395 AD, the death of Theodosius I, to as late as 610 AD, when the official language of the empire was changed from Latin to Greek. In 800 AD, Pope Leo III, for whatever reasons, crowned Charlemagne as Emperor of the Roman People. This angered the people of the Byzantine Empire, because they claimed to be the Empire of the Roman People and did not recognize Charlemagne as their emperor. Later, the Byzantine emperors recognized the heirs to Charlemagne's empire as emperors, but not as emperors of the Roman People. This empire was made up of most of France, most of Germany, Switzerland, the northern half of Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, and bits of Austria, Spain, and other countries. It divided after he died into three kingdoms, and one of the kings was the emperor, but the kings fought over the title, and it quickly had no real authority associated with it. The last person to have it died in 927 AD. Today, historians call Charlemagne's empire the Carolingian Empire, and give it the dates of 800 to 927. In 962 AD, Otto I was crowned as emperor. This was really interesting in a way, because he was just the Emperor of the [unnamed] Empire, which was the eastern part, a bit more than half, of the old Carolingian Empire. It seems the emperors of this empire did not want to antagonize the people of the Byzantine Empire at first, and so it was not until around 1030 that people began calling it the Roman Empire again. This empire began calling itself the Holy Roman Empire in the 16th century, after the Middle Ages were over. During much of the Middle Ages, it was also called Germany, and between the time its rulers took power and their coronations, which was years in many cases, they were referred to by the title King of Germany. Modern historians refer to it as the Holy Roman Empire for all parts of its history back to the coronation of Otto I.

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I'm certainly not portraying myself as an expert of Roman history, but what I remember from my history classes and the multitude of History Channel episodes on Rome, I believe the main reason was that it was the only way to manage what had become a huge empire. It was simply too large and too involved for one person to effectively control.Diocletian decided that the empire was too big for one person to govern so he split the empire in two and instated a co-emperor.

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The span of geologic time subdivided into periods is called an era. Eras are further subdivided into periods to help scientists classify and study the Earth's history in a systematic way. Each period represents a distinct interval of time with its own set of characteristic geological and biological events.

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There have been several ways that historians divide and label large parts of historical times. One way is the term "age" such as the bronze age; Another term is "period", for example, during this period of time in the Roman republic..... As the Roman republic was several centuries in length, this term fits also. Another term is "era" for example, the era in which the Ming Dynasty ruled China, there was peace in Asia. The above are examples, not meant to be "facts". The terms, however, have been used frequently.

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What is the names for two equal parts of the earth?

I got this question for history. It didn't say but I would guess maybe hemispheres. It is divided equally on that way.

What are the differences between the Roman republic and the Roman civilization?

The Roman civilization has to do with their culture and way of living. The republic was a form of government.The Roman civilization has to do with their culture and way of living. The republic was a form of government.The Roman civilization has to do with their culture and way of living. The republic was a form of government.The Roman civilization has to do with their culture and way of living. The republic was a form of government.The Roman civilization has to do with their culture and way of living. The republic was a form of government.The Roman civilization has to do with their culture and way of living. The republic was a form of government.The Roman civilization has to do with their culture and way of living. The republic was a form of government.The Roman civilization has to do with their culture and way of living. The republic was a form of government.The Roman civilization has to do with their culture and way of living. The republic was a form of government.

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