In 476 Odoacer, the commander of Germanic troops which fought for the Romans, deposed the last Roman emperor of the west, Romulus Augustus. He did not destroy the empire. After this Theodoric the Great of the (Germanic) Visigoths was sent to depose Odoacer by Zeno, the Roman emperor of the east. Historians used 476 as a conventional date for the end of the Roman Empire of the west because there were no further emperors. However, some historians disagree and point out that Theodoric wanted to restore the glory of the empire.
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The last capital of the western part of the Roman Empire was Ravenna. It replaced Milan as the capital on 402.
The Roman Empire had been divided into the East Roman Empire, with its capital at Constantinople, and the West Roman Empire, with its capital either at Rome or Ravenna, in 395. The West Roman Empire was in a state of chaos, with various Germanic kingdoms forming, and though they nominally acknowledged the fact that they were in the Roman Empire, for the most part, they were not really under control. In 476, the last emperor of the West Roman Empire was deposed, and the emperor of the East Roman Empire was asked to assume control of the whole. This is the event referred to as the Fall of the Roman Empire. The Roman Senate, which had operated in Rome since before the Roman Republic continued to operate after the purported fall, and its last known act was after the year 600. The East Roman Empire continued to operate until Constantinople fell to the Turks in 1453.
I guess you mean the last event in the history of ancient Rome. Rome still exists. Perhaps the last event in the history of the western part of the Roman Empire was the conquest of the Domain of Soissons, the last territory the Romans held in Gaul by the Franks (a Germanic people) in 486. The last event in the history of the eastern part of the Roman Empire was the capture of its capital, Constantinople, by the Ottoman Turks in 1453. Historians have coined the term Byzantine Empire to indicate the eastern pat of the Roman Empire after the fall of the western part.
An empire is not a person. Therefore, the Roman Empire did not invent anything. The Romans invented concrete. Roman concrete was different from modern concrete. It was more fluid and had to be layered by hand. It was just as strong.
A Germanic leader named Odoacer deposed the last Western Roman Emperor in the year 476. Odoacer is generally given credit for abolishing the empire.