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Nobles ate eggs, nuts, and fruits for their morning breakfast.

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lots and lots of meat

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Q: What did nobles eat for breakfast?
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What is the difference between knights and nobles?

Knights are nobles because they are sons of knights wich are nobles.

What did princesses eat for breakfast in Medieval time?

Most people in the middle ages (medieval ages) did not eat breakfast because they were continuing their "fast" from dinner. (This only applies to some people.) If you did eat breakfast you would eat nuts, berries, and eggs. If you didn't eat breakfast you would still have a chance to eat at your midmorning meal which usually consisted of the same stuff, (nuts berries and eggs.)

What did rich Romans eat for breakfast?

Fresh bread with oil or honey and fruit made a Roman's breakfast at times. Other times they would eat leftovers from the previous night's dinner, if they had them. Even the well to do didn't like to waste food and if they had attended a banquet/dinner the night before, they probably brought home a large napkin full of leftovers, which was socially acceptable and considered a compliment to the host.

What was the difference between the nobles of the sword and the nobles of the robe?

Nobles of the sword would sometimes take a knights place and nobles of the robe would more than likely take the kings place.

What is a false statement about the lifestyle of nobles?

The statement that the lifestyles of nobles was underprivileged is false. Nobles lived in castles or manors and they had great privileges. Nobles were well-regarded and came from elite families. The statement that nobles handled some of the manual labor in their fields is also false.

Related questions

When do Jamaicans eat breakfast?

they eat breakfast mostly in the morning and sometimes in the afternoon.

When was Eat Raw for Breakfast created?

Eat Raw for Breakfast was created in 2009.

What does Ponyboy and his brothers eat for breakfast?

He loved to eat Chocolate cake for breakfast.

What did you eat in breakfast tell whether right or wrong?

It should be 'what did you eat for breakfast?'

How did breakfast become breakfast?

Breakfast is the first thing you eat after a fast.

What did lesser nobles eat?


What did nobles eat for dinner?


Why is it better to eat fruit before breakfast instead of after breakfast?

I doubt it makes a difference in your life. I have to eat fruit before breakfast, while my friend its fruit after breakfast. As long as you eat fruit, its all good. But possibly you get more nutrition from the fruit when you eat it before breakfast.

Is it bad not to eat breakfast?

it is real bad to not eat breakfast. take it from someone who knows it. breakfast is your energy in the morning. you may not be hungry, but you should still eat.

What are some things you never eat for lunch?

You never eat breakfast or supper for lunch.

What do jedward eat for breakfast?

Their favorite food to eat for breakfast is cereal with water instead of milk.

What if you don't eat breakfast?

If you dont eat breakfast you may have hunger pains through out your day.