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Most people in the middle ages (medieval ages) did not eat breakfast because they were continuing their "fast" from dinner. (This only applies to some people.) If you did eat breakfast you would eat nuts, berries, and eggs. If you didn't eat breakfast you would still have a chance to eat at your midmorning meal which usually consisted of the same stuff, (nuts berries and eggs.)

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11y ago

They ate whatever they could find in that area. They still do, and it's hard to find a princess that is eating something imported! For example, you won't find a Spanish dictator eating English crumpets. Hope this helped! I hate to give you a boring fact, but I'm actually the princess of a small country/island just of the coast of America!

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15y ago

Princesses eat gourmet food made by master chefs.

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Q: What did princesses eat for breakfast in Medieval time?
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What would a king eat for breakfast in the medieval times?

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The time depends on what is occurring at the time. Left alone most people eat breakfast before mid-morning.

What time did they eat at in Medieval times?

Laboring people of the Middle Ages ate breakfast, dinner at noon, and supper in the evening. Wealthy people did not have breakfast unless they were very young or suffering from poor health. They ate diner at about noon, and supper in the evening.

When do people in Spain eat breakfast?

There is no certain time,they eat when they are hungry.

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I love breakfast, but rarely eat breakfast due to lack of time. Age 56, female.

In the medieval time what did they eat?

they ate food.

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7AM to 11AM

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What are facts considered while planning a meal for the family?

The time to eat breakfast, the time to eat lunch, the time to eat dinner, and the time to eat snacks.