Quite dirty and ragged clothes, very itchy, for the poor best made out of hay or straw and cheap fabric, but for the rich they wore velvet, thick fabric with lots of coatings to keep warm.
Because they were
lords used to look after the peasants.
The four main groups in the 1500s wereGentlemenCitizensYeomenLabourers
Peasants faced a number of dangers in the Middle Ages. Specifically, medical science was in its infancy in Europe, so peasants usually only lived until their thirties. Additionally, peasants had very little food and water, so they were under the threat of starvation or severe undernourishment.
Yes, some peasants wore hats.
They would wear louis vitton mmhmmm
what did the peasants do in the middle ages
The peasants of the Middle Ages had very few responsibilities.
yes they did
Serfs and Freemen
bread .
yes because they believed that god chose who was born into a family so that means they belive in god
life was really good
Because they were
Tenate farmers/peasants