I think the king gave the lords the land to do what they wanted, and the dukes got the land from the lords to give to other people if they wanted, or to keep.
The Nobles
the franks were an important German groupCharlemagne became king of the franks in 771each time a king died, the nobles and knights chose a new king
The vassals required to give their king land. They could also give the king food, water and a sword.
Pickles nuff said
The King does give the land to the Nobles so they can help fight to defend the King's land, him and his kingdom (castle).
The lords promised to support the monarch with knights.
To give more rights to nobles To weaken the power of the king
I think the king gave the lords the land to do what they wanted, and the dukes got the land from the lords to give to other people if they wanted, or to keep.
The MAGNA CARTA served a document that protected the nobles' rights with respect to the King.
This is a rough description of the "feudal" relationship between the King and lesser nobles.
The Nobles were pro Monarchy.
the king or nobles and knights and the servants plus family of the nobles and kings
Nobles were able to choose a new king, while commoners were not.
the eight english nobles,king charles I , king charles II Im pretty sure . :)
The king could decide to go to war, while the nobles could not.