The vassals required to give their king land. They could also give the king food, water and a sword.
At the very bottom. They had no freedom and no one below them.
Vassals had to serve lords because the vassals promised to serve a lord in exchange for land.
Lords and vassals were granted land plots in exchange for offering services to protect the king. The serfs worked this land for the lords in exchange for their own protection. Therefore, the primary purpose of a lord was to master the art of war.
You see, vassals could be anybody in the Medieval feudal pyramid. A vassal could be a Lord or noble, a serf, a knight, or even the king. All of their clothing were different. So first you must decide what specific person, then you can research more on what they wore.
the vassals would give protection to the serfs and also protect the land
Whether or not a noble was a vassal of the king depended on the rank of the noble and the location. In the middle ages every noble was a vassal except the king. However, not all were vassals of the king. The top nobles or counts were vassals of the king. They had nobles under them. Those nobles had to obey their counts but did not have to obey the king. So a count could and frequently did join a civil war against a king.When William the Conqueror conquered England, he not only made his barons vassals to the king, but he also made the entire population vassals of the king. Thus in England the entire population consisted of the king's vassals. l
Vassals were loyal to the person(s) above them. Therefore a king may have a vassal who may have other vassals loyal to him. A vassal has power over his serfs, or his vassals. Also the vassals have power over the peasents.
In many cases, vassals did have their own vassals, in a process called subinfeudation. There is a link below, but it does not give as much information as I would have liked to find.
The lords promised to give their vassals protection and fiefs, or estates.
No. There were great benefits to being a vassal. The members of the nobility, from the highest to the lowest, were all vassals of the king or some other lord, and in order to have any power, you had to be a king or a vassal. Kings were often vassals of other kings. The kings of England were also Dukes of Normandy or Dukes of Aquitaine, and this made them vassals of the kings of France. It was a relationship they would not give up until they got to the point that they were claiming the throne of France for themselves.
The vassals had a duty to give military support to the king or other lord. In exchange for this, they got protection and land.
Members of the nobility were usually vassals. There were a very few who were not vassals, such as a few independent princes or dukes, and even a few independent counts. Also Kings were often vassals, such as kings within the Holy Roman Empire. Things were complicated where kings were vassals for some lands they held, but not others. King Henry II of England was technically a vassal of king Louis VII of France for his lands in France, but not for lands elsewhere.
At the very bottom. They had no freedom and no one below them.
Lords granted lands to vassals because they had a lot of land and needed men to fight in their armies. They also couldn't manage their land alone. As a solution, a lord would give land to vassals in exchange for the vassals agreeing to fight in his army. The vassals would have peasants and serfs work their land.