You see, vassals could be anybody in the Medieval feudal pyramid. A vassal could be a Lord or noble, a serf, a knight, or even the king. All of their clothing were different. So first you must decide what specific person, then you can research more on what they wore.
what kind of clothing did plebeians wear? what kind of clothing did plebeians wear? : this is a stupid answer, "no it isn't because i'm studying rome so stut the F**K UP this is the right one: plebeians wore long tunics with long sleeves and are avoided by society
Vassals had to serve lords because the vassals promised to serve a lord in exchange for land.
the same as Ireland people wear.
The vassals required to give their king land. They could also give the king food, water and a sword.
what kind of clothing did the Pawnee wear
cotton clothing!!
Ottawa clothing
they wear lambas, and sometimes western clothing.
weird clothing
Clothing made out of bark
Girls clothing
they wear different kinds of clothing in the philippines. :)
The kind of homes that the vassals lived in were made out of brick and other rich stuff.