In the feudal system, baron tenants held the highest status. In exchange for land from the king, barons were expected to provide military protection to their overlord. Under the baron were knights, who were expected to provide military assistance in times of war.
No pay. He was a noble boy who was in training to become a knight. People did not earn a "salary" in this time. Peasants worked for the house and land they lived on, nobles earned the manor for being loyal to the king for whom they protected politically.
The feudal system was based on the king and the Church owning every inch of land. Everyone else was allowed to holdportions of it, and have sub-tenants holding land from them, in return for services and payments of various kinds.This is the reason for the compilation of Domesday Book, so that the newly-crowned king William I could calculate the value of all his land and the expected income from the entire kingdom.The word "tenant" comes from Latin teneo, I hold. The cottars at the very bottom of the social ladder might hold about 12 to 15 acres of land from a knight (lord of the manor); a freeman might hold 60 acres and each would pay in work, in rents and customary services. The knight might hold all his manors from a higher-ranking knight in return for military service and the higher-ranking knight might hold his lands from an Earl, who held huge areas of land from the king.
The noble was a man who kept the estates and manors for a king. He got these in return for his loyalty to the king. Since Europe was a patchwork of holdings this was very important for the king and the noble. The noble pledged his men to fight for the king when needed. Many nobles were also knights and in war they fought as a knight. To be a knight was very expensive. A suit of armor, in today's standards, would cost the same as a 5 bedroom house today. They also had a horse that was trained for battle and not just for riding around on. The noble's role was to serve the king, provide protection to the king, pay taxes from his estates, and to provide food to the king.
The feudal system was meant to help organize things for people (to help people). How it worked: What happened was that the king was at the top, and then the nobles were given land that was split up so they couldn't start a rebellion and the nobles gave their land to lots of knights which gave thier land to lots of peasants which farmed the land and paid taxes. The knights fought, and the king gave the noble more land so that he was richer. More land=richer you are! This kind of system was based on kept promises. If some promises were not kept, the entire system fails. For example, if a king gives 12 lords land to have in return for service, the lord promises to give the king knights to protect him. But if only 6 lords keep the promise, then the king isn't as well-protected and therefore has a chance to die.
1st AnswerAnything the king wanted. 2nd AnswerThe vassals were in a relationship of mutual obligation with their superior lords or kings. They provided an oath of allegiance and support in exchange for land, which would be farmed by serfs, and from which they could gain their wealth, and protection from the lord or king. The support included keeping men ready to fight for the lord in any conflict that came along.
Because when King John was around nobles didn't pay taxes so the porr had to pay loads, and they could not afford that.
Nobles told farmers to pay the samurai land for the samurai did not care for wealth (currency)
A Mediaval noble was kind of like a sub-king. The overall king had full power of the land, but a king usually had so much land that he needed help ruling it. He would appoint nobles to rule a small part of his land, pay him taxes, and provide him with his services. If the noble was not loyal to the king, he would take away his power to rule.
No pay. He was a noble boy who was in training to become a knight. People did not earn a "salary" in this time. Peasants worked for the house and land they lived on, nobles earned the manor for being loyal to the king for whom they protected politically.
1. The first and second estates were exempt from most taxes (taille, or land tax), while the third estate was not 2. The third estate was forced to pay feudal dues to the nobles and the king 3. There was no redress for the land damage of the third estate homes 4. The higher estates banned hunting that was necessary for survival among the people of the third estate
First the king, then nobles and warriors, lastly peasants. That basically the overview of their class structure, I could go to into more detail, but it's complicated so that's just the basic structure. Hope this helped to answer your question!
The peasants are found in the lowest part of the social heirarchy of the Zhou dynasty. They are the ones responsible for farming the land of the nobles. The peasants are followed by the lords and warriors. They pay taxes to the King and protect his land. The king is found on the topmost heirarchy. He lead the government and gives land to the lords.
From about 1100-1400 the Nobles Duties were nothing really they were wealthy enough to feed and look after there family's. Not only that but they could also buy horses and armour etc. sometimes, they would go on a hunt for rabbits, geese, or racoons.
A. They sold the land to pay off debt. B. They divided the land amongst the peasants. C. They used the land to compensate nobles who lost land. D. They redistributed the land equally amongst the people
Magna carta force the king not to put people in jail for no reason. Also the king cant force the nobles to pay the tax until the nobles agree.
the peasants cultivated the lands in russia but nobles,crown and chruch owned large property.peasants needed the nobles land to cultivate but peasants refused to pay the rents and even murdered landlords.
A. They sold the land to pay off debt. B. They divided the land amongst the peasants. C. They used the land to compensate nobles who lost land. D. They redistributed the land equally amongst the people