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They usually drank the same as the rich but it was a little less fortunate they used to drink out of plastic and metal glasses only. Just joking. The poor Romans drank wine but it was a cheaper grade of wine than the wealthy drank. They also had a drink called "posca" which was a mixture of vinegar and water.

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14y ago

As babies, Roman children drank breast milk. When they were weened, they drank fruit juices, water and wine like the adults. But remember, the wine that the ancients drank was not like the wine we drink today. The ancients drank their wine highly watered down. Children's drinks would be perhaps no more than a a flavoring of wine in a glass of water and perhaps this only at dinner.

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15y ago

The Roman soldiers drink a cheap sour wine and water or posca.

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What does a roman child's tantrum look like?

A Roman child's tantrum would look exactly like the tantrums of today's children. Kids are kids, no matter when they lived.A Roman child's tantrum would look exactly like the tantrums of today's children. Kids are kids, no matter when they lived.A Roman child's tantrum would look exactly like the tantrums of today's children. Kids are kids, no matter when they lived.A Roman child's tantrum would look exactly like the tantrums of today's children. Kids are kids, no matter when they lived.A Roman child's tantrum would look exactly like the tantrums of today's children. Kids are kids, no matter when they lived.A Roman child's tantrum would look exactly like the tantrums of today's children. Kids are kids, no matter when they lived.A Roman child's tantrum would look exactly like the tantrums of today's children. Kids are kids, no matter when they lived.A Roman child's tantrum would look exactly like the tantrums of today's children. Kids are kids, no matter when they lived.A Roman child's tantrum would look exactly like the tantrums of today's children. Kids are kids, no matter when they lived.

What is the main job of a gladiator?

To entertain Roman citizens. ---- Gladiators were slaves who fought to the death in the Roman circuses, to entertain not only citizens but also women, children, and slaves.

What is the leader of a Roman legion called?

The leader of a Roman legion was called a "legatus".

Did Roman women work?

Woman in ancient Rome were expected to stay home and do housework like sweeping with twig brooms and taking care of the children. They did most of the shopping for food and household items. They were not nearly as respected as men.

Why do Roman Fathers have power over their families?

The Family Has Power And Authority over the whole family. He had the rights to execute his children if he wished.