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Veni, Vedi, Veci means 'We came, we saw, we conquered'. It is a Latin phrase, thought to have been said by Julius Cæsar. It is pronounced: we-nee wed-Dee we-kee.

No, it is pronounced vay nee vee Dee vee cee.

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Q: What does 'veni vedi veci' mean?
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Who was the first to declare vini vedi vici?

Julius Ceasar

What is the modern name of the city which was the battle site associated with the phrase Veni vidi vici?

Julius Caesar's "veni, vidi, vici" was not associated with a city. It was associated with the kingdom of Pontus (in north-eastern Turkey) rather than a city. When the Romans were fighting the civil war between the forces of Caesar and the senate, Pharnaces II, the king of Pontus, took advantage of this to seize neighbouring Colchis and Lesser Armenia. Caesar undertook a rapid march on Pontus and swiftly defeated Pharnaces at the Battle of Zela (47 BC). His five-day campaign so swift and his victory so complete that Caesar said "Veni, vidi, vici" (I came, I saw, I won). The sentence was also meant to be a snide remark about Pompey the Great, his enemy in the civil war. Sixteen year earlier, Pompey had struggled to defeat another king of Pontus in the Third Mithridatic War (73-63 BC) whereas he defeated Pontus quickly and easily. Caesar put Pompey's reputation as a great general into question. Caesar had also defeated Pompey at the Battle of Pharsalus a year before his defeat of Pharnaces. The ancient historian Suetonius said that these three words were deployed in the triumphal ceremony in Rome which celebrated this victory. The Battle of Zela took place near Zela, which is now Zile, in the Tokat Province of Turkey.

What does cevinus mean?

cevinus mean a roman

What does conlonize mean?

i think you mean the word colonize?

Who was the roman empire that boudicca fought?

If you mean the Roman emperor when Boucdicca fought, it was Nero.If you mean the Roman emperor when Boucdicca fought, it was Nero.If you mean the Roman emperor when Boucdicca fought, it was Nero.If you mean the Roman emperor when Boucdicca fought, it was Nero.If you mean the Roman emperor when Boucdicca fought, it was Nero.If you mean the Roman emperor when Boucdicca fought, it was Nero.If you mean the Roman emperor when Boucdicca fought, it was Nero.If you mean the Roman emperor when Boucdicca fought, it was Nero.If you mean the Roman emperor when Boucdicca fought, it was Nero.

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What are the release dates for Veni Vedi Vyschy - 2010?

Veni Vedi Vyschy - 2010 was released on: USA: 12 August 2010 (Nashville 48 Hour Film Project)

Who credited the quote veni vedi vici?

Julius Ceaser

What is a famous quote by Julius Caesar?

veni vedi vici i came i saw i conquered

When did the Romans get britain?

Ceasar " Veni, Vedi, Vici " Circa 54BCE. trans. "I Came, I Saw, I Conquered".

What actors and actresses appeared in Veni Vedi Vyschy - 2010?

The cast of Veni Vedi Vyschy - 2010 includes: Tripp Allen as Guy Under Tree Ryan Dunlap as Evan Minors Teri Modisette as Madison Lance Rumowicz as Cole Slaw Guy Rusty Whitener as Vlad

If you take out veci in veni vidi vici will it be I came I saw?

Veci? Looks like a typo here, but yes, take out vici and it's I came, I saw.

When was veni vedi vici first used by us?

I'm thinking it was when Julius Caesar came first to Britain in 55 BC: 'I came, I saw, I conquered'

What does veni Jesu mean?

The phrase isn't "veni, veni, veni". Instead it is the Latin phrase "veni, vidi, vici" which translated means "I came, I saw, I conquered". It is first attributed to Julius Caesar.

Who said he came he saw and he conquered about Alexander the geat?

Noone. It was said by Julius Caesar after he suppressed a revolt in Thrace, modern day balkans, but not at the time of Alexander. Veni Vidi Veci.

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The population of Vedi is 13,242.

What is the duration of Lo vedi come sei... lo vedi come sei?

The duration of Lo vedi come sei... lo vedi come sei? is 1.25 hours.

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