Julius Caesar's "veni, vidi, vici" was not associated with a city. It was associated with the kingdom of Pontus (in north-eastern Turkey) rather than a city. When the Romans were fighting the civil war between the forces of Caesar and the senate, Pharnaces II, the king of Pontus, took advantage of this to seize neighbouring Colchis and Lesser Armenia. Caesar undertook a rapid march on Pontus and swiftly defeated Pharnaces at the Battle of Zela (47 BC). His five-day campaign so swift and his victory so complete that Caesar said "Veni, vidi, vici" (I came, I saw, I won).
The sentence was also meant to be a snide remark about Pompey the Great, his enemy in the civil war. Sixteen year earlier, Pompey had struggled to defeat another king of Pontus in the Third Mithridatic War (73-63 BC) whereas he defeated Pontus quickly and easily. Caesar put Pompey's reputation as a great general into question. Caesar had also defeated Pompey at the Battle of Pharsalus a year before his defeat of Pharnaces. The ancient historian Suetonius said that these three words were deployed in the triumphal ceremony in Rome which celebrated this victory.
The Battle of Zela took place near Zela, which is now Zile, in the Tokat Province of Turkey.
Veni, Vedi, Veci means 'We came, we saw, we conquered'. It is a Latin phrase, thought to have been said by Julius Cæsar. It is pronounced: we-nee wed-Dee we-kee. No, it is pronounced vay nee vee Dee vee cee.
Julius Caesar is considered the greatest military commander in Roman history. He showed his military genius in the eight-year long Gallic Wars, during which he conquered Gaul to the north of the Roman possession in the south (the rest of France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Holland south of the river Rhine and Germany west of the Rhine). The Siege of Alesia is considered one of his greatest military achievements and a masterpiece of siege warfare. In the civil war he fought against the forces of the senate he defeated all the military commanders he confronted. Julius Caesar is famous for having said "Veni, vidi, vinci" (I came, I saw, I conquered). Caesar radically reformed the state of the Roman Republic and concentrated power in his hands. he did so because with imperial expansion the Republic had become dysfunctional. The central government lost control over the provinces (conquered territories) The governors of the provinces became unruly and treated their provinces as if they were their personal fiefs. Corruption was rampant. There were military commanders who used military violence or the threat of it to get what they wanted. Caesar wanted to create a strong central government capable or restoring order in the empire. Caesar was very popular with the middle and lower layers of Roman society. He was seen as the hero of the people who stood against an aristocracy which was seen as decadent and corrupt. This was one on the things that gave Caesar such immense power. He was a popularis. The populares (plural of popularis) were a political faction which championed the cause of the poor and wanted reforms to improve the lot of the poor. He introduced a land reform to distribute land to the poor and to retiring soldiers. He created a police force. He passed a law which wrote off 1/4 of all debts. The most enduring legacy of Julius Caesar is the reform of the calendar. Caesar switched from a lunar to a solar calendar. Apart from some minor modifications introduced by Pope Gregory XIII in the 15th century, it is the calendar we still use.
No, the correct phrase is veni vidi vici.
The phrase isn't "veni, veni, veni". Instead it is the Latin phrase "veni, vidi, vici" which translated means "I came, I saw, I conquered". It is first attributed to Julius Caesar.
The Latin phrase "veni vidi vici" means "I came, I saw, I conquered" and is recorded as part of a declaration given by Caesar as early as 55 B.C. It has become a popular phrase in today's culture.
The phrase 'Veni, vidi, vinci' contains a misspelling. The correct phrase is 'Veni, vidi, vici', which means 'I came, I saw, I conquered'. The first recorded instance of the statement is by Gaius Julius Caesar [July 13, 100 B.C. - March 15, 44 B.C.]. The sentence is part of his message to the Roman Senate about his victorious battle against Pharnaces II [d. 47 B.C.] of Pontus, at Zela, in modern-day Turkey. Caesar's statement is recorded in 'Parallel Lives' by Lucius Mestrius Plutarchus ka Plutarch [c. A.D. 46-120], and in 'Life of the 12 Caesars' by Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus ka Suetonius [c. 69/75-after 130].
In 47 BC, following the Battle of Zela
Veni ad me Is Latin for: come to me
The command 'Veni, veni, Emmanuel' means Come, come, Emmanuel. In the word-by-word translation, the imperative 'veni' means 'come'. The proper noun 'Emmanuel' is from the Hebrew, with the meaning of 'God with us'.
When Caesar said "Veni, Vidi, Vici", he actually was not fighting Pompey or even Romans. He said it after the battle of Zela, in modern Turkey, where he had defeated Pharnaces II of Pontus, a kingdom on the shores of the Black Sea. Caesar's experienced Roman army beat the Pontic army so quickly that it seemed to Caesar like a pushover. This message was sent to the Roman senate to announce his victory.
Veni Domine was created in 1987.
I came, I saw, I conquered in Latin is Veni, Vidi, Vici.
Veni, Vedi, Veci means 'We came, we saw, we conquered'. It is a Latin phrase, thought to have been said by Julius Cæsar. It is pronounced: we-nee wed-Dee we-kee. No, it is pronounced vay nee vee Dee vee cee.
Veni Markovski was born on 1968-04-03.