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The hills were great lookout places incase enemys come to attack.

Also, it is easier to attack from uphill because any one going up a hill would get tired running up. The aim is better from the top of a hill.

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In the early days of Rome. before a full circuit of walls was built, the hills provided protection against raids. They were also safe from malaria.

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Q: What effect did the seven hills have on ancient rome?
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Ancient Rome was built on seven hills.

What is the capitoline in ancient Rome?

It is one of the seven hills of Rome.

Is Rome a flat place?

No it is not. It is in a hilly area. ancient Rome was on the famous Seven Hills of Rome. Modern Rome is on more than a dozen hills. According to the Roman writer, Varro, before the city was named Rome, it was called "Septimontium" in reference to the seven hills which were within in the city limits. However there is debate over which hills were included.

How many hills was the ancient city of Rome built on?

The ancient city of Rome was built on seven hills. These hills are the Palatine, Aventine, Capitoline, Quirinal, Viminal, Esquiline, and Caelian.

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Rome is the city on seven hills.

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The land of seven hills is Rome, Italy. These seven hills are Palatine, Aventine, Capitoline, Quirinal, Viminal, Esquiline, and Caelian.

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The ancient Romans eventually conquered all of Italy, but Rome started out as a small city-state founded on seven hills next to the River Tiber.

Ancient Rome was built on many hills and surrouned by the Mediterranean Sea?

Ancient Rome was built on seven hills, but was nowhere near the Mediterranean sea proper. Rome was/is relatively inland and its nearest sea is the Tyrrhonian sea which could be loosely called an arm of the Mediterranean.

What is the name of the city of the seven hills?

Rome is the "City on Seven Hills."

What is the ancient word for Rome?

Rome was called Rome right from the time of its foundation by Romulus in 753 BC. The foundationinvolveda union between the settlements on the seven hills of early ancient Rome. This included the settlements of the Septimontium and the settlements on the Colles.According to the writing of Varro,Rome was originally theSeptimontium,This meant seven hills, but did not refer to the seven hills of early ancient Rome. It referred to seven crests on three of the seven hills (the Palatine, Esquiline and Caelian), where there wereLatinsettlements. Septimonium was also the name of a Decemberpurificationfestival where straw puppets were placed in 27 shrines around the areaduringa procession.The Colles were two of the seven hill (the Quirinal and Viminal) where there were Sabine settlements. The foundation of Rome also included a fusion betweenLatinsand Sabines who lived in the area.

What was a natural defence for ancient Rome?

In the early days of Rome, before a full circuit of walls was built, the seven hills of Rome provided protection against raids

What is the name of the city set on seven hills?

Rome is the "City on Seven Hills."