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Land ownership was very different in the middle ages than it is today. Most property in the modern world is "fee simple", meaning it is clearly owned by a single party. Land in the middle ages was very rarely fee simple. There was a number of people who had rights and obligations related to any particular piece of land.

The fields of a given village in theory belonged to a great feudal lord. They might have been in turn given to a lesser lord, who became the vassal of the greater lord. This process might be repeated more than once. Some of the fields of the village were held directly by the lord of the manor, others were in turn held by peasant farmers who owed a combination of rents, fees, and labor for the right to posses these fields.

The fields of a landlord would be worked by a combination of the the peasants who owed labor for their own land and hired labor as well.

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Serfs were people who worked on feudal manors owned by the lord of the manor.

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