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Q: What type of skills workers did not come to England in large numbers from Europe in the Middle Ages?
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Where did the middle ages take place Europe or England?


What are Guest workers in Europe and the middle east?

low status foreigners

Where were the middle ages located?

In Europe. Like England, Ireland, Scotland.

What are guest workers in Europe and the middle east called?

low status foreigners

Where was the iron horse shoes invented?

The iron horseshoe was made during the Middle ages (also called the Medieval times), likely the inventor was somewhere in Europe or England as these were the places most likely to have professional iron workers.

What was the result of the industrial revolution in Europe?

It was the concentration of workers in urbans areas.

Is Middle Earth in The Hobbit hot or cold?

Middle Earth is a large place but basically it's weather is similar to England and Europe.

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The first settlers came from Europe. Mainly from France and England

What countries came out of the middle ages in the strongest position?

At the end if the Middle Ages, the strongest countries in Western Europe were probably England, France, and Spain. In Eastern Europe, the strongest was the Ottoman Empire, though much of it was in Asia.

Was shepherds pie used in the Middle Ages in England?

No, it uses potatoes and they didn't eat potatoes in the middle ages. They weren't introduced in Europe until much later.

Is the UK in the Middle East?

No, England is in the United Kingdom. Situated across the Channel from France.

Where were the Barbary pirates located at?

Off the Barbary Coast ( the middle and western coastal regions of North Africa. )