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I'm presuming you mean Roman, so...


It's a dead language.

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Q: What is the roamn language?
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Italy took over the eastern side but then the chatolics took it back again.

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More than likely the Greeks called the Roamn empire "home" and they called the emperor Caesar.

What is Roman 201?

I-1 V-5 X-10 L-50 C-100 D-500 M-1000 hope this helps(:

Why do you think Roman general Crassus was eager to fight Spartacus and his men?

the very thing that Crassus was eager for ...[Crassus and his men] encamped very near the enemy, and began to make [a wall to surround them]; btu the slaves made a sally and attacked the [Roamn soldiers].

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Who did missionaries try to convert to Christianity?

Yes! Duriong the Roamn Empire,the first missionaries of the church is Saint Paul and Peter and the following Pope after him.Also, during the time when Europe was fallen to the Barbarians.Patrick,Angshar,Augustine of Canterbury,Boniface are the main missionaries at this time

What was the language of the Romans and why?

Latin was the language of the early Romans.Latin was the language of the early Romans.Latin was the language of the early Romans.Latin was the language of the early Romans.Latin was the language of the early Romans.Latin was the language of the early Romans.Latin was the language of the early Romans.Latin was the language of the early Romans.Latin was the language of the early Romans.