Labourer's carpenters, blacksmiths, Farrier's silversmiths, soldiers, artists, sailer's butcher's fishermen, to name but a few.
well your wording is confusing😕
During the Middle Ages art was mainly commissioned by The Church.
During the middle ages noble women had no opportunity no learn how to read and write.
During the Middle Ages, most people were farmers.
What section of Africa carried on much trade during the middle ages
No, glitter as we know it today did not exist in the Middle Ages. The production of glitter requires modern manufacturing techniques and materials, which were not available during that time.
well your wording is confusing😕
No, it is the reverse. The 1200s took place during the Middle Ages. The Middle Ages lasted from about 476 to about 1453 AD.
The scholastic philosophy developed during the middle ages.
During the Middle Ages art was mainly commissioned by The Church.
During the middle ages noble women had no opportunity no learn how to read and write.
During the Middle Ages, most people were farmers.
Feudalism and feudal monarchies where the primary form of government during the middle ages.
wars had the most influence during the Middle Ages in Europe.
During the middle ages, heresy trials were called inquisitions.
Who invaded Europe during the middle ages
During the middle ages the Great Famine lingered for years, drawing out the suffering of the populace.