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What section of Africa carried on much trade during the middle ages

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Q: What section of Africa carried on much trade during the Middle Ages?
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Africa and the Americas

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Spain, North Africa, West Africa, the Horn of Africa, the Middle East, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Indonesia.

The Middle Passage referred to?

The "middle passage" is the transportation of slaves form Africa to the New World. Roughly 20% of the slaves died during the voyage

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The dominant religion in the Middle Ages depended on where you were. In most of Europe, it was Christianity, and in the Middle East and North Africa, for most of the Middle Ages, it was Islam. There were places where both were about equally important, such as Spain.

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It took place for a couple hundred years. It was during the 17th and 18th centuries. The Middle Passage was the ship voyage from Africa to the United States.

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The addition of North Africa prevented the Axis from gaining the suez canal and access to middle-eastern oil.

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Most of the slaves faced horrible conditions on the ships.

Why did many slaves die during the middle passage vayage from Africa to the Americas?

Most of the slaves faced horrible conditions on the ships

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