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Roman soldiers had the right of Roman citizenship. These were:

Public rights

Jus suffragiorum: The right to vote in the Roman assemblies

Jus honorum: The right to stand for public office

Jus commercii: The right to make legal contracts and to hold property as a Roman citizen

Jus connubii: The right to have a lawful marriage with a Roman citizen and to have the legal rights of the paterfamilias (head of the family)

Jus migrationis: The right to preserve full citizenship on relocation to a colony of Roman status. This did not apply on relocation to a colony of lesser legal status. Citizenship was reduced to Latin citizenship of one moved a Latin colony, which conferred less rights

Jjus militiae, was the right of serving in the army,

Private rights

· The right to sue in the courts.

· The right to have a legal trial and to defend oneself in court.

· Citizens could appeal to the people against the actions taken by the officers of state (magistrates) and the person who appealed could not be punished, until the people determined the matter. This was chiefly secured with the assistance of the plebeian tribunes

· None but the whole Roman people could pass sentence on the life of a Roman citizen. No magistrate could punish him by stripes or capitally. The single expression, "I am a Roman citizen," checked their severest but the whole Roman people could pass sentence on the life of a Roman citizen.

· The right of liberty comprised not only liberty from the power of masters, but also from the dominion of tyrants, the severity of magistrates, the cruelty of creditors, and the insolence of more powerful citizens.

· No Roman citizen could be sentenced to crucifixion. Roman Citizens were not crucified (Roman Crucifixion), they were beheaded

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11y ago
Roman soldiers had the right to vote in the later period of the monarchy (753-509 BC) and during the Roman Republic (509-27 BC).
The fifth king of Rome Servius Tullius (reigned 579-535 BC) was said to have created the assembly of the soldiers (comitia centuriata). During the Republic this assembly voted on war and peace, elected the high officers of state (the consuls, praetors and censors) passed the laws that gave imperium (the power to command an army) to the consuls and praetors and censorial powers to the censors and acted as a court of appeal for cases involving the death penalty. This later function was ended by Lucius Cornelius Sulla in 80 BC who established special courts for this (the quaestiones perpetuae).
The Republic was replaced by rule by emperors who were absolute rulers. This assembly and the two other popular assemblies (the assembly of the tribes and the plebeian council) decayed.
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9y ago

Roman soldiers did not have special rights. they had the same rights as all Roman citizens.

The rights (iura, plural of ius) of Roman citizens were:

· Ius suffragiorum: The right to vote in the Roman assemblies.

· Ius honorum: The right to stand for public office.

· Ius commercii: The right to make legal contracts and to hold property as a Roman citizen.

· Ius connubii: The right to have a lawful marriage with a Roman citizen, to have the legal rights of the paterfamilias (head of the household) over the family, and to have the children of any such marriage be counted as Roman citizens.

· Ius migrationis: The right to preserve Roman citizenship if one relocated to a town in the Roman Empire which was a Roman colony (settlement). However, if Roman citizens relocated to a different Latin city state or a Latin colony, their citizenship was reduced to Latin citizenship. This was a lower status type of citizenship with conferred fewer rights.

· The right of liberty from the power of masters, from the dominion of tyrants, the severity of magistrates, the cruelty of creditors, and the insolence of more powerful citizens.

· Roman citizens could appeal against punishment by public officials to the people. The people then determined the matter in the popular assemblies.

· The right to sue in the courts.

· The right to have a legal trial in a proper court and to defend oneself.

· Roman citizens could not be sentenced to death unless he was found guilty of treason. If accused of treason, they had the right to be tried in Rome

· No Roman citizens could be sentenced to crucifixion. .

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What happened to roman deserters?

If a deserter from the Roman army were found, he was flogged and then crucified. Roman soldiers were the only citizens who could be crucified.If a deserter from the Roman army were found, he was flogged and then crucified. Roman soldiers were the only citizens who could be crucified.If a deserter from the Roman army were found, he was flogged and then crucified. Roman soldiers were the only citizens who could be crucified.If a deserter from the Roman army were found, he was flogged and then crucified. Roman soldiers were the only citizens who could be crucified.If a deserter from the Roman army were found, he was flogged and then crucified. Roman soldiers were the only citizens who could be crucified.If a deserter from the Roman army were found, he was flogged and then crucified. Roman soldiers were the only citizens who could be crucified.If a deserter from the Roman army were found, he was flogged and then crucified. Roman soldiers were the only citizens who could be crucified.If a deserter from the Roman army were found, he was flogged and then crucified. Roman soldiers were the only citizens who could be crucified.If a deserter from the Roman army were found, he was flogged and then crucified. Roman soldiers were the only citizens who could be crucified.

Why did roman soldiers blow trumpets?

The Roman Soldiers Blew Their Trumpets So They Could Distract The Elephants They Battled Against The Hannibal's Forces

What nationality were most roman soldiers?


Did the ancient Roman legal system stress the rights of the individual over the authority of the government?

Roman law was based on the principle of rights, the rights of citizens.

How did constant wars hurt the roman empire?

The constant wars of the Roman Empire were extremely expensive for a failing Roman economy. They also cost them a lot of soldiers and ranks had to be filled with soldiers from the people who they had conquered.

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By definition, fighting is what soldiers do.

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Mithraism was the male only religion popular with the Roman soldiers.

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Roman soldiers had citizenship papers. Sometimes they were carved on to pieces of bronze.

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The Imperial Roman Army.

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The two groups of Roman soldiers were the infantry and the cavalry. Each group had its divisions.

What did the Roman soldiers call their army?

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What happened to roman deserters?

If a deserter from the Roman army were found, he was flogged and then crucified. Roman soldiers were the only citizens who could be crucified.If a deserter from the Roman army were found, he was flogged and then crucified. Roman soldiers were the only citizens who could be crucified.If a deserter from the Roman army were found, he was flogged and then crucified. Roman soldiers were the only citizens who could be crucified.If a deserter from the Roman army were found, he was flogged and then crucified. Roman soldiers were the only citizens who could be crucified.If a deserter from the Roman army were found, he was flogged and then crucified. Roman soldiers were the only citizens who could be crucified.If a deserter from the Roman army were found, he was flogged and then crucified. Roman soldiers were the only citizens who could be crucified.If a deserter from the Roman army were found, he was flogged and then crucified. Roman soldiers were the only citizens who could be crucified.If a deserter from the Roman army were found, he was flogged and then crucified. Roman soldiers were the only citizens who could be crucified.If a deserter from the Roman army were found, he was flogged and then crucified. Roman soldiers were the only citizens who could be crucified.

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