Crenellations, also called battlements, are the defensive structures found on many castles. They consist of merlons (the higher parts which were used to hide behind) and crenels (the gaps you can use to shoot through).
A high wooden fence in medieval times is referred to as a palisade. They are also called stake walls, and were used as structures to defend castles or other property.
Several items from the medieval world started with the letter "E." For instance, ell was a measure of cloth. Embrasure was an opening in the wall of a building such as a castle. Yet another "e" word was estoc, which was a sharp and thrusting sword.
Crenellations, also called battlements, are the defensive structures found on many castles. They consist of merlons (the higher parts which were used to hide behind) and crenels (the gaps you can use to shoot through).
Cheap labor for defensive fortifications.
Medieval buildings are buildings that were built during the Middle Ages.
None of them! Castles throughout medieval Europe were periodically subjected to sieges, during which time the castle's defensive structures were under attack. They were constantly being torn down and rebuilt, expanded and improved, and people were constantly developing better defensive features for castles. Some castles were even torn down completely and rebuilt again, but none of them stayed the same throughout the whole period.
yes because it is defensive
A labeled castle must have:a throne roomchamberdungeonprivate chamberlords hallstorage cellerdraw bridgeturret chamberto be a castle