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Far more than three groups settled in the Italian peninsula. Ancient Italy was inhabited by the Umbrians, Sabines, Piceni, Aequi, Marsi, Maruccini, Paeligni, Frentani, Vestini, Samnites, Lucani, Dauni, Iapyges, Messapii, Campanians, Oenotrians, Ausoni, Aurunci, Sidicini, Latins, Faliscans, Etruscans, Ligurians, Gauls and Veneti.

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9y ago
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10y ago

The Romans had three social ranks: the patricians, who were the aristocracy. the Equites (equestrians, cavalrymen) which was the second highers rank, a bit like a lower tier of the aristocracy, which was given to rich commoners who met a certain (high) property threshold, and the plebeians. The latter were the commoners, both rich and poor. When many rich plebeians were given equite status, the term came to denote middle income and poor plebeians.

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13y ago

umm it mean that nothing

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Q: What three groups of people settled on the Italian peninsula?
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