Most serfs would eat a lot of vegetables and fruits that they would make in their farm, they would sometimes eat meat that came from there own farm animals. They would also eat a lot of bread and ale that the mom would have made.
As well they could eat anything they hunted, after the Ruler or their authorities took what they wanted.
It varied by location and the exact time period. Wheat was probably the highest prized grain crop, but wheat can not be grown everywhere in Europe. Rye, barley, and oats were other common grain crops. In addition to cereal grains beans, peas, lentils, an vetch were important field crops. Gardens were important food sources, and garden foods such as onions, cabbage, carrots, garlic, turnips, lettuce, cress, beets, parsnips, and a wide variety of herbs added nutritional value and flavor to the peasant table. Fruit was grown and often dried for long term use. Flax was grown for fiber to make linen cloth. A small amount of rice was grown in southern Europe but it never became a major food source. A small amount of cotton was both grown in and imported into Europe in the second half of the middle ages, but cotton was a very distant third in a textile market dominated by wool and linen.
Some common foods of today that were not known in medieval Europe include tomatoes, potatoes, and maize, all of which are new world crops.
To serve under the feudal system, and grow the crops ect.
Because it DID !!!
corn and grain mostly
it would depend on where you lived, and what were your monetary means. of course, assuming that you knew how to read and write, you had several choices: -Some tree barks -Papyrus (made from fiber of an aquatic plant, in Egypt) -Stone (by carving) -Wax tablet and stylus (you would carve the wax with a pointy end, and you could even erase with the flat end at the other side) -Vellum (which is the almost transparent skin of veal, very flexible and durable) -Plant made paper
The commoners in the middle ages are the people who make their own clothing and grow vegetables. They also made their own houses and structures. There is no complete answer to give you, but thats all that i got.
To serve under the feudal system, and grow the crops ect.
The types of crops that can grow in Goa include rice, cashew-nut, coconut, and ragi.
The Chinooks did not grow any types of crops. They did not farm any food.
The Chinooks did not grow any types of crops. They did not farm any food.
During the Middle Ages, peasants were the farmers that took care of the land for the villages. There are many different angles that can be taken for a project about peasants including the most common produce that was grown, the amount of work that was required, tools that were used to grow the crops, and even what the crops were worth during the Middle Ages.
Crops are dependent on different types of soil, because the acidity of the soil will define what crops can grow in it.
Because it DID !!!
Climate, soil, and natural resources were all ideal reasons for middle colonies to grow crops. This drastically increase the ability to grow crops and cultivate them.
No. Some crops can grow IN crops, such as with the use of nurse crops, or purposely mixing two different types of crops (like barley with oats) in one field, mainly for the purpose of growing livestock feed.