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A queen was a member of the royalty.

The traditional division of the medieval people into nobles, serfs, and clergy is a bit misleading, because it is quite simplistic. The royalty were separate from the nobility, and were, obviously, above them.

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Q: What was a Queen's class in the middle ages?
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During which time period did kings and queens rule with total power?

middle ages

What was the name of the upper class during the middle ages?

the middle class was the freetowners, it goes POPE KING NOBLES KNIGHTS FREETOWNERS PEASANTS SERFS The Middle Class rose during the Middle Ages in Europe for a variety of reasons. First of these reasons is that the workers became richer in the aftermath of the Black Death. Secondly, education in Europe was greatly improved with the invention of the Printing Press. Thirdly, the formation of banking greatly improved the economy in favour of the Middle Class. Lastly, the formation of medieval republics benefited the Middle Class. The Middle class consisted of Freetowners, people below the knights and nobles but above peasants and serfs...

As the middle ages ended the rise of a middle class in western europe can be attributed partly to the?


Was the nun in middle class during the medieval ages?

There was no particular class associated with nuns in the Middle Ages. Nuns were not technically members of the clergy, even if they were highly educated. They could have come from backgrounds that were peasant, noble, or even royal. But technically, they had no class. Perhaps this would make them fit some definitions of the middle class, but middle class implies things that do not fit well with what a nun was.

Why did armor and therefore knighthood represent a higher social class?

because he was born into the middle ages

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What did queens in the middle ages do for fun?

The medieval queens had a big feast for fun in the middle ages .

What do queens do for fun in the middle ages?

The medieval queens had a big feast for fun in the middle ages .

What was the queens roll in the middle ages?

to rule the land

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Middle class

What was the role of queens in the medieval times?

medieval times queens position at middle ages.

What were names of queens at middle ages?

shakalakaboomboom and ya nan

Was a Queens life in the middle ages lade back and easy?


What did queens fear most in the middle ages?

They feared about going to the bathroom

How did feudalism separate the middle ages society?

Kings and queens were at the top. After them were lords and ladies. Then came knights and vassals. The lowest class was made up of peasants and serfs

What social class emerged with the growth of trade during the middle ages?

A middle class

What was the greatest or richest city in the early middle ages?

Egypt (kings and queens, and they had great power) or the U.K (kings and queens)

What was the worst class in the middle ages?

a servant