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In medieval times the land was tilled by serfs, also known as villeins. They were low status tenants of the local landowner A villein would work 20 to 40 acres of land Over time this has been changed in spelling and meaning

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10y ago

A "villain" was not originally an "evil" or "vile" person.

In feudal Europe, a "villein" (from villager) was a ranking serf, who answered to the feudal lord but was free in other respects. Many of these were cruel brutes who treated others with disdain. Their behavior came to be seen as selfish and arrogant.

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12y ago

Villain is another word for serf. The villain was an unfree commoner who lived in a small agricultural village. They owed labor to the lord of the manor in which they lived, typically two days a week or less, and could not move away from their village without their lord's permission. The actually wealth of villains varied a great deal. Some held no land apart from a cottage and a large garden, which would mean they had to hire out as labor to survive, others had enough land to support themselves, and a few accumulated significant land, enough to hire farmhands and in some cases household servants. A villain who was financially successful might be able to convert his labor obligation into into a cash payment, or hire a replacement to do his work.

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Probably Robin Hood was the most likeable medieval villain. The character is, however, almost certainly totally made up - and in reality 'good' king Richard was a rather vicious character who thoroughly disliked his British subjects and much preferred to spend his time on his French estates when not embarking on one of his many wars.

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I would say the most famous medieval vallain was the English King Richard III. There is a link to an article about him below.

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