The chivalric code was a code in Feudal society that nobles adhered to. The chivalric code was essential in Feudal society because it made the feudal contract meaning. Part of the code was being honest and breaking a feudal oath was unacceptable socially.
During the Middle Ages, the growth of towns weakened the feudal system in several crucial ways. For one thing, it shifted the focus-point for communities from the feudal manor to the local town itself, which was becoming more and more important. For another thing, the wealth of the small but growing "middle class" gave them more and more power with which to use as a new, independent force in the governance of lands once solely governed by the feudal lords.
History tends to repeat itself, so it's important to know the mistakes and successes of the past so that we, as a society, can prevent those problems from causing problems.
The church was a very important part of the feudal system. It played an immense role in the lives of people and superseded governments. The Catholic Church was the only Christian religion in Europe and taught that man was born in sin and it was only through them that man could go to heaven. The Pope was the head of the church and was very rich and very powerful. He had authority over kings and queens in religious matters as well in government. There was no separation of church and state.
In the earlier Middle Ages, towns arose from villages, and were, like the villages, part of the land holdings of feudal lords. Sometimes the holdings were divided or returned to the king and given to new lords, and it often came to be that towns were under the jurisdiction of a different lord than the surrounding countryside. In the later Middle Ages when towns actually came into being they were run by a council made up of merchants and wealthy non noble families much like today. They would deal with taxes, protection, keeping the peace and making sure all the laws were obeyed and establishing those laws. The governments of these towns were republican in nature, and were referred to as medieval communes. There is a link below to an article on medieval communes.
Oh, it's as old as history itself.....
Look to the Trump presidency and you can observe nepotism. With his family involved in the government that is nepotism.
"I watched the spirit manifest itself before me,OR,her anxiety manifest itself in her incessant hair twirling.
'I watched the spirit manifest itself before me, OR, her anxiety manifested itself in her incessant hair-twirling.
one government, one set of rules, and one currency
Cerebellar ataxia manifests itself starting with the dominant genes in the brain. As the genes start to manifest it causes a gradual shutdown of the organs of the body.
it happened by magic
Yes. For example, the problem manifested itself means that the problem revealed itself.
Not eczema itself, but a gluten allergy can manifest itself in a rash. Research dermatitis herpetiformis.
Latin American Humanities at
physical emotional behavioral
It can be a noun, as in the sentence 'the ship's manifest shows the quantity of coal on board'. Or it can be a adjective as in ' it is manifest that he is an idiot.' Or a verb: to manifest = to show = to display.