Some medieval towns transportations were wagons or carriages. Some people just walked.
Medieval towns were crowded because serfs wanted more freedom and moved out of the manor land to towns.
Regulate production or trade ;)
Many medieval towns were clean by their standards, which would have meant uncluttered, without foul odors, and so on. The medieval people did not understand anything about bacteria, viruses, and disease vectors, so in some modern senses, the towns were not clean; for example you could not trust the water.
Wales Ireland Scotland the place of the bpards magical castle
Towns in medieval Europe were dangerous places because they were noisy, crowded, and often unsafe. Pickpockets and theives would always be on the lookout for travelers with money in their pockets. Towns didn't have streetlights, so night Watchmen patrolled the streets with candle lanterns to deter (discourage) criminals. -Carol
in medieval towns
Medieval towns were independent by buying a royal charter.
Medieval towns were crowded because serfs wanted more freedom and moved out of the manor land to towns.
... ..........
Merchant guilds dominated the economic and political life of medieval towns.
Abdul Rehman has written: 'Historic towns of Punjab' -- subject(s): Ancient Cities and towns, Antiquities, Cities and towns, Ancient, Cities and towns, Medieval, History, Local, Local History, Medieval Cities and towns
because they just did
Colchester, Chichester, and Malmsbury were market towns.
the kings,serf