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Here's a hint. Rome fell in 476 AD. For the remaining answer to your question, read your book. You homework answers have to come from you, not an outside source.

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Q: What year did rome fall and explain how economic military and social problems caused this?
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What social problems helped cause the roman empires decline?

Famine and disease spread throughout the empire

As Rome expanded what was beset by social and economic troubles were caused by?

The widening gap between the rich and the poor.

What are the many reasons historains give for the fall of the roman empire?

It seems that every historian has his/her own theory as to why the Roman empire fell. You can get reasons such as a weakened army, lack of leadership, economic factors and even lead poisoning for the fall and they would all be correct. Most agree that there was no one factor that caused the fall of Rome, but a combination of external and internal pressures that caused the fall.It seems that every historian has his/her own theory as to why the Roman empire fell. You can get reasons such as a weakened army, lack of leadership, economic factors and even lead poisoning for the fall and they would all be correct. Most agree that there was no one factor that caused the fall of Rome, but a combination of external and internal pressures that caused the fall.It seems that every historian has his/her own theory as to why the Roman empire fell. You can get reasons such as a weakened army, lack of leadership, economic factors and even lead poisoning for the fall and they would all be correct. Most agree that there was no one factor that caused the fall of Rome, but a combination of external and internal pressures that caused the fall.It seems that every historian has his/her own theory as to why the Roman empire fell. You can get reasons such as a weakened army, lack of leadership, economic factors and even lead poisoning for the fall and they would all be correct. Most agree that there was no one factor that caused the fall of Rome, but a combination of external and internal pressures that caused the fall.It seems that every historian has his/her own theory as to why the Roman empire fell. You can get reasons such as a weakened army, lack of leadership, economic factors and even lead poisoning for the fall and they would all be correct. Most agree that there was no one factor that caused the fall of Rome, but a combination of external and internal pressures that caused the fall.It seems that every historian has his/her own theory as to why the Roman empire fell. You can get reasons such as a weakened army, lack of leadership, economic factors and even lead poisoning for the fall and they would all be correct. Most agree that there was no one factor that caused the fall of Rome, but a combination of external and internal pressures that caused the fall.It seems that every historian has his/her own theory as to why the Roman empire fell. You can get reasons such as a weakened army, lack of leadership, economic factors and even lead poisoning for the fall and they would all be correct. Most agree that there was no one factor that caused the fall of Rome, but a combination of external and internal pressures that caused the fall.It seems that every historian has his/her own theory as to why the Roman empire fell. You can get reasons such as a weakened army, lack of leadership, economic factors and even lead poisoning for the fall and they would all be correct. Most agree that there was no one factor that caused the fall of Rome, but a combination of external and internal pressures that caused the fall.It seems that every historian has his/her own theory as to why the Roman empire fell. You can get reasons such as a weakened army, lack of leadership, economic factors and even lead poisoning for the fall and they would all be correct. Most agree that there was no one factor that caused the fall of Rome, but a combination of external and internal pressures that caused the fall.

What action started the massive inflation rates in the roman empire?

The main cause of the hyperinflation in the Crisis of the Third Century was the debasement of the Roman coins. For more than a century several emperors had debased the Roman coins (they reduced the gold or silver content of the coins). This was done to increase the supply of coins to meet public expenses and increasing and military expenses which came with increases in the size of the army and in the pay and bonuses to the military. This led to both a devaluation of the coins and an oversupply of money, which led to hyperinflation. The coins eventually came to have virtually no value. They had as little as only 5 % of precious metal. The coin oversupply was worsened by usurper emperors who issued their own coins. The Crisis of the Third Century was a military and political crisis as well as an economic one. Repeated raids and attempted invasions from across the vast frontiers of the empire overstretched the Roman army and caused great strain. This led to military anarchy. Most of the emperors of this period were military commanders who were proclaimed emperors by their own troops. Many emperors were murdered by soldiers, sometimes even by their own troops. There were also 35 military commanders who became usurper emperors. They were proclaimed emperors by their troops in their areas and tried to rule their areas separately. Prices increased rapidly, the coins were no longer a viable means of exchange and there was insecurity in travelling created by the continuous warfare. All this made trade virtually disappear, except for barter exchange at the regional level. The empire did not recover fully from this.

How did the evolution of political philosophies in the West caused and eventually determined the outcome of World War 2. Be sure to include economic social and political factors in regard to the?

This is an essay assignment and we don’t write essays for students. You need to answer this question.

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