Between 500-1500 A.D. after the collapse of the Roman Empire.
AnswerHere in England, we usually reckon the Middle Ages began with the Norman Conquest in 1066, and ended with the Battle of Bosworth in 1485.While the answer above has been the accepted norm for years, historians are now beginning to challenge that, and many are saying that the start of the Middle Ages can be attributed to the sacking of Rome in 476AD, and the end of the Middle Ages as late as Martin Luther nailing his 95 theses to the door.
AnswerThe Middle Ages lasted from the fall of the Western Roman Empire (476 AD) to the dawn of the Renaissance (1453 AD.The "Middle Ages" were separated into three different time spans - Early, High, and Late Middle Ages - so you need to be more specific as to what Middle Ages you mean as they cover many centuries going back to Roman Times.
It is commonly dated from the 5th century to the early 16th century
The Middle Ages was a time between the Roman Time Period and the Renaissance. Many important things that happened during the Roman Times were lost during the beginning of the Middle Ages which was a time of fighting, sadness and death. It is often considered that the Middle Ages was a time smushed between 2 happier times in which fighting happened and much was sad. Also in the middle ages people where superstitious due to the lack of knowledge the ancient Romans had discovered, but all that lack of knowledge was due to the medieval church banning these texts and therefore was concealed until the church lost power over Europe. It was not until the renaissance had taken place until ancient text books from both Rome and Greece had been rediscovered.
Medieval times is a term used to refer to the middle ages, which is the time period from antiquity to the Renaissance, which is from about 475 to 1450 AD.
Medieval Times is also a term used in reference to the a chain of restaurants that are dinner theaters, featuring tournaments such as was the custom in the High Middle Ages.
1st Answer:
The "Middle Ages" spanned about 800 to 1000 years between 410 AD (the fall of Rome) to the late 1300's (the start of the Renaissance).
2nd Answer:
Generally I have seen the dates 476 to 1453.
Different authorities date the Middle Ages differently. A few start it in 410, when Rome was sacked, most seem to start it in 476 when Rome "fell," and some in 500 AD, which is purely a date of convenience. Similarly, they have chosen different dates for its end, including 1453, when Constantinople fell to the Turks, 1492, with the discovery of the New World and destruction of the last Islamic state in Spain, or 1500, also a date of convenience.
British historians and older historians from other places may date the Dark Ages from 476 to 1000 and the Middle Ages from 1000 to 1453 or 1492.
It seems ironic that 476 AD, the supposed date of the "fall of Rome," was the date of the abdication of the last emperor of a separate Empire of the West (in favor of a reunited empire under the Emperor of the East), and 1453 was the date of the final fall of what we call the Byzantine Empire, but the Byzantines called the Empire of the Roman People, and which was that same reunited empire.
in Gljgahfa;liey
Combat could take place for up to four days a week.
One economic revolution of the Middle Ages was the rise of banking, which resulted in large part from the destruction of the Knights Templar.
There was no explorers in the middle ages. When exploration started that is when the middle ages ended.
Water. Only place besides river to get water.
No, it is the reverse. The 1200s took place during the Middle Ages. The Middle Ages lasted from about 476 to about 1453 AD.
in Gljgahfa;liey
The story appears to take place in Britain during the middle ages.
It's my opinion but in the middle ages of china
It took place around 5th through 16th centuries
in a dragons stomach :) naa it was in the center of town
Yes, it was in AD. More specifically, it was taken place right before the middle ages.
"Catherine, Called Birdy" by Karen Cushman is set in the year 1290 in England during the medieval period. The events in the story take place during the Middle Ages, a time of knights, castles, and feudal society.
a very good place
Middle East