commodus There were two. Richard Harris played the Emperor Marcus Aurelius. The next emperor, his son Commodus, was played by Joaquin Phoenix.
The emperor Commodus fought as a gladiator. He always won.The emperor Commodus fought as a gladiator. He always won.The emperor Commodus fought as a gladiator. He always won.The emperor Commodus fought as a gladiator. He always won.The emperor Commodus fought as a gladiator. He always won.The emperor Commodus fought as a gladiator. He always won.The emperor Commodus fought as a gladiator. He always won.The emperor Commodus fought as a gladiator. He always won.The emperor Commodus fought as a gladiator. He always won.
Commodus, the Roman Emperor from 180 to 192 AD, is known for his ruthless and extravagant rule. He is often criticized for his lack of significant achievements and for his debauched lifestyle. Despite his attempts to portray himself as a gladiator and his grandiose building projects, his reign was marked by corruption, political instability, and economic decline. Ultimately, Commodus was assassinated by members of his own court in a coup d'Γ©tat.
The emperor Commodus was a victim of a conspiracy and was strangled by his wrestling partner, Narcissus.The emperor Commodus was a victim of a conspiracy and was strangled by his wrestling partner, Narcissus.The emperor Commodus was a victim of a conspiracy and was strangled by his wrestling partner, Narcissus.The emperor Commodus was a victim of a conspiracy and was strangled by his wrestling partner, Narcissus.The emperor Commodus was a victim of a conspiracy and was strangled by his wrestling partner, Narcissus.The emperor Commodus was a victim of a conspiracy and was strangled by his wrestling partner, Narcissus.The emperor Commodus was a victim of a conspiracy and was strangled by his wrestling partner, Narcissus.The emperor Commodus was a victim of a conspiracy and was strangled by his wrestling partner, Narcissus.The emperor Commodus was a victim of a conspiracy and was strangled by his wrestling partner, Narcissus.
Justinian was a Roman emperor and his empire was the Roman empire.Justinian was a Roman emperor and his empire was the Roman empire.Justinian was a Roman emperor and his empire was the Roman empire.Justinian was a Roman emperor and his empire was the Roman empire.Justinian was a Roman emperor and his empire was the Roman empire.Justinian was a Roman emperor and his empire was the Roman empire.Justinian was a Roman emperor and his empire was the Roman empire.Justinian was a Roman emperor and his empire was the Roman empire.Justinian was a Roman emperor and his empire was the Roman empire.
Nero was the Roman emperor in 57 AD.Nero was the Roman emperor in 57 AD.Nero was the Roman emperor in 57 AD.Nero was the Roman emperor in 57 AD.Nero was the Roman emperor in 57 AD.Nero was the Roman emperor in 57 AD.Nero was the Roman emperor in 57 AD.Nero was the Roman emperor in 57 AD.Nero was the Roman emperor in 57 AD.
The emperor Commodus fought as a gladiator. He always won.The emperor Commodus fought as a gladiator. He always won.The emperor Commodus fought as a gladiator. He always won.The emperor Commodus fought as a gladiator. He always won.The emperor Commodus fought as a gladiator. He always won.The emperor Commodus fought as a gladiator. He always won.The emperor Commodus fought as a gladiator. He always won.The emperor Commodus fought as a gladiator. He always won.The emperor Commodus fought as a gladiator. He always won.
Commodus, the Roman Emperor from 180 to 192 AD, is known for his ruthless and extravagant rule. He is often criticized for his lack of significant achievements and for his debauched lifestyle. Despite his attempts to portray himself as a gladiator and his grandiose building projects, his reign was marked by corruption, political instability, and economic decline. Ultimately, Commodus was assassinated by members of his own court in a coup d'Γ©tat.
His son, Commodus. While the Roman people generally loved and respected his father, Commodus was not as well accepted. He was arrogant, selfish, and spoiled.Answer:When one of Rome's greatest emperor, Marcus Aurelius died, the Roman Empire went downhill. After Marcus Aurelius died, Commodus took over.
He was a roman emperor.
The worst Roman emperor was Commodus. He was cruel. He fancied himself as a gladiator. He killed sparring partner he defeated in training. He often put wounded soldiers and amputees in the arean ans slayed them with a sword.
The worst Roman emperor was Commodus. He was cruel. He fancied himself as a gladiator. He killed sparring partner he defeated in training. He often put wounded soldiers and amputees in the arean ans slayed them with a sword.
in the fantastic 2000 movie "Gladiator" starring Russel Crowe. He was named Maximus, an ex-general in the age of the Roman empire. He then comes back to Rome as a gladiator to seek revenge on Commodus for killing his wife and child.
Commodus, the Roman Emperor from 180 to 192 AD, is generally considered to be a controversial figure in Roman history. While he did have some military successes early in his reign, such as victories over the Germanic tribes, his rule was marked by extravagance, corruption, and a lack of interest in governing. His erratic behavior and disregard for traditional Roman values ultimately led to his assassination in 192 AD. Overall, Commodus is not considered a successful emperor by most historians due to his negative impact on the Roman Empire.
There really was a Roman emperor named Marcus Aurelius, and he had a son named Commodus, who succeeded him. In contrast to the movie, Marcus named Commodus his successor, rather than Maximus. However, some historians suspect Commodus did have a hand in his father's death. Commodus did not die in the arena. He was killed by a wrestler. After Commodus' death, Rome did not return to a republic as suggested in the movie. General Maximus Decimus Meridius is a fictitious character. There was a general named Avidius Cassius, who fought in the campaign depicted in the film and, upon hearing of Marcus' death, declared himself emperor of Rome. However, his own soldiers assassinated him. Later in Roman history, there was a general named Maximus, who appears to have had revolutionary ideas. Commodus really did have a sister named Lucilla, and, as depicted in the movie, she hated him. Lucilla was married to the co-emperor, Lucius Verus. Lucilla plotted to have Commodus assassinated, but Commodus had her exiled for the plot and later executed. So, unlike what happened in the movie, Commodus outlived his sister. It was another sister, not Lucilla, that Commodus was rumored to have had sexual relations. The tattoo on Maximus' arm reads, "SPQR." The letters relate to an often-used Latin phrase, Senatus Populusque Romanus, which means "the Senate and People of Rome." However, it is highly unlikely a Roman general would have such a tattoo, as tattoos were worn by foreigners and lower-class citizens.
Maximus (Russell Crowe) is a general in the roman army loved by Marcus Aurelius, the emperor. Marcus wants Maximus to become emperor after he dies as he thinks that his son Commodus is unfit to rule. When he tells Commodus this, Commodus murders him. When Maximus refuses to believe that Marcus died of natural causes, Commodus orders that Maximus and his family should be executed. However, Maximus escapes and returns home - too late to save his family. He collapses and is sold as a slave where his prowess as a gladiator gets noticed and eventually he fights his way htrough Africa to Rome, where he meets the emperor face to face. The emperor spares his life, then challenges Maximus to a fight in the arena. Maximus accepts and the two engage in a bloody battle. Maximus kills the emperor, reinstates the Senate as the governors of Rome and dies to be with his family in the afterlife.
The idea that he did not want his son to succeed him is not based on historical fact, but on two Hollywood movies (´The fall of the Roman Empire´ and ´Gladiator´). In those movies it was said that he wanted to give the succession to a stepson because his natural son was feeble-minded. In actual fact however he had already appointed his son Commodus as co-Emperor during his lifetime and he appointed Commodus as his successor. After Marcus Aurelius´ death Commodus ruled for 12 years before being assassinated.