Antonius Proximo is a fictional character played by Oliver Reed in the film Gladiator. He is a gladiator trainer the main character, Aelius Maximus Decimus Meridius, has been sold to.
In the film "Gladiator," Proximo's final words are "Shadows and dust." This phrase is a reflection on the transient nature of life and the inevitability of death. It serves as a poignant reminder of the fleeting nature of human existence and the impermanence of power and glory.
Following the reign of Hadrian, the emperor was Antonius Pius.
Mark Antony's full name was Marcus Antonius. He was born on January 14, 83 BC. He died on August 1, 30 BC.
Antonius Pius was emperor when the Antoine Wall (named after him) was built.Antonius Pius was emperor when the Antoine Wall (named after him) was built.Antonius Pius was emperor when the Antoine Wall (named after him) was built.Antonius Pius was emperor when the Antoine Wall (named after him) was built.Antonius Pius was emperor when the Antoine Wall (named after him) was built.Antonius Pius was emperor when the Antoine Wall (named after him) was built.Antonius Pius was emperor when the Antoine Wall (named after him) was built.Antonius Pius was emperor when the Antoine Wall (named after him) was built.Antonius Pius was emperor when the Antoine Wall (named after him) was built.
Hadrian was a Roman Emperor. He was the adopted son of Emperor Trajan, who was the adopted son of Emperor Nerva. Hadrian was succeeded by his adoptive son, Antonius Pius. His most famous achievement was the commissioning the building of Hadrian's wall to secure Rome's northernmost frontier and symbolise Rome's power.
el proximo is the next; the next day is el proximo día
The character "Proximo" is a predominant character in a lot of movies and theater. The character "Proximo" is best known today, from the movie "Gladiator" starring Russell Crowe.
proximo ao rio Where proximo = near/close ao = the rio=river
Hadrian was the emperor before Antonius Pius.Hadrian was the emperor before Antonius Pius.Hadrian was the emperor before Antonius Pius.Hadrian was the emperor before Antonius Pius.Hadrian was the emperor before Antonius Pius.Hadrian was the emperor before Antonius Pius.Hadrian was the emperor before Antonius Pius.Hadrian was the emperor before Antonius Pius.Hadrian was the emperor before Antonius Pius.
Antonius Aris Hermlin's birth name is Antonius Aris Hermle.
Oliver Reed
Proximo or proxima.
(el) domingo proximo - next Sunday (accent on the first 'o' in 'proximo') (el) domingo pasado - last Sunday
Que vas a hacer el domingo proximo means what are you going to do next Sunday?