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Charles the Fat, Henry the Fowler, and Otto the Great were among the German kings of the Early Middle Ages. There were others.

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Q: Who was the German King in the early middle ages?
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Who was one of the rulers during the early middle ages?

King arthur is it not. get it. got it. good. Not sure about the answer someone wrote above... King Arthur is not even known to have existed and definitely not in the early middle ages. William the Conqueror 1066.

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In the Early Middle Ages, and in the rest of the middle ages in the West, the Pope was most powerful. In the later middle ages in the East, it was the Patriarch of Constantinople.

Why did German king fail to unite their land?

The system of German princes electing the king weakened royal authority, so states of Germany didn't unify during the middle ages.

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The time!✝

Why did German king failed to unite?

The German kings faced challenges such as internal divisions among regional princes, opposition from the papacy, and resistance from powerful nobles, which hindered their efforts to unite Germany under strong centralized rule. Additionally, the decentralized structure of the Holy Roman Empire allowed for a significant degree of autonomy among its member states, making it difficult for any single ruler to assert control over the entire territory.

What time was the middle ages?

Early Middle Ages 400 - 700, High Middle Ages 700 - 1300, Late Middle Ages 1300 -1500.

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Most of the music from the Early Middle Ages is plainsong or chant.

Name given to the early middle ages?

Dark Ages

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The third period of the Middle Ages was the Late Middle Ages. The first is called the Early Middle Ages or the Dark Age. The second period was the High Middle Ages.

Who was a king in the Middle Ages?

King Henry VIII

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Chariots were raced in the Byzantine Empire in the Early Middle Ages.

What historical time period did the fall of the roman empire lead to?

The Roman Empire was followed by the Middle Ages: Early Middle Ages (5th to 10th century), High Middle Ages (c. 1001 to 1300) and Late Middle Ages (1300 to 1500).