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Q: Who was the person elected by the assembly of tribes?
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Who is elected by the plebeians?

The Plebeian Council elected the plebeian officers, the Tribunes and the two Aediles, and thus Roman law classified these officers as the elected representatives of the plebeians. The Plebeian Council (Latin: concilium plebis) was the principal popular assembly of the ancient Roman Republic. It functioned as a legislative assembly, through which the plebeians (commoners) could pass laws, elect magistrates, and try judicial cases. The Plebeian Council was originally organized on the basis of the Curia. Thus, it was originally a "Plebeian Curiate Assembly". Around the year 471 BC, it was reorganized on the basis of the Tribes. Thus, it became a "Plebeian Tribal Assembly". The Plebeian Council usually met in the well of the Comitia. Often patrician senators would observe from the steps of the Curia Hostilia, and would sometimes heckle during meetings.

In Rome who were the consuls and how where they chosen who were the senators?

The two consuls of the Roman Republic were the two annually elected heads of the Republic and the army. They were not chosen by the senators. They were elected by one of the three popular assemblies of the Republic: the Assembly of the Soldiers.

Did the early Romans have a congress?

The political machinery evolved over centuries. There was a Senate of men with high property rating. There were popular assemblies - Tribal Assembly (voting by tribes), Centuriate Assembly (warriors under arms in their centuries), and Plebeian Assembly (citizens, with Patricians excluded). These all held various powers which were modified over time.

In the early roman government who were the consuls?

In the years of the Roman Republic, the consuls were the two annually elected heads of the Republic and the army. Initially they also had judicial duties, but these were transferred to the praetors (chief Justices) when this post was created after 187 years and from then on the consuls only had executive powers. They proposed bills to the vote of the Assembly of the Soldiers or the Assembly of the Tribes. However, in the Late Republic the plebeian tribunes became the main proposers of bills and they submitted them to the vote of the Plebeian Council, which became the main legislative body. In the period of rule by emperors, the emperor took over the Consuls' powers and the consuls' job became largely ceremonial.

How did characteristics of the roman republic change over time?

After the overthrow of the Roman Monarchy, the Roman Republic retained the institutions of the Monarchy, except for replacing the king with two annually elected consuls as the heads of the Republic. The senate, which had been an unelected advisory body for the king, became the advisory body of the consuls and remained an unelected body. The Republic retained the assemblies which had been created by the 5th King of Rome, Servius Tullius: the Assembly of the Soldiers and the Assembly of the Tribes (districts). The Republic created new officers of state in addition to the consuls who took on various aspects of administration: the praetors (created in 366 BC) and the censors (created in 442 BC) became the senior officers along the consuls. The curule aediles (created in 367 BC) and the quaestors (created before 420 BC) became the junior officers. These officials were elected annually, expect for the censors whose term of office was originally five years and then was reduced to 18 months. The Republic did not have a centralised executive and the officers acted independently within the remit of their office. During the first rebellion by the poor plebeians (commoners) against the patrician-controlled state in 494 BC, the plebeians created the leaders of their movement, the plebeian tribunes, and their own assembly, the Plebeian Council. The plebeian aediles were also created to assist the plebeian tribunes. The plebeian tribunes were recognised as the representatives of the plebeians, but not as officers of state and were not fully integrated into the Roman state. The resolutions of the Plebeian Council were not recognised as laws binding on all Roman citizens because it did not include the patricians (the aristocracy). Over time the resolutions of the Plebeian Council became recognised as binding on all Roman citizens and this assembly became the legislative body. Bills were presented to the vote of the Plebeian Council by the plebeian tribunes. Previously the consuls presented bills to the vote of the Assembly of the Soldiers. The Assembly of the Soldiers became the body which elected the senior officers of state. It also voted on war and peace and acted as a court of appeal for capital punishment cases. The assembly of the Tribes became the body which elected the junior officers of state. It also acted as an court of appeal for other cases. In 82 BC appeals were removed from these two assemblies and transferred to a special jury court called quaestiones perpetuae.

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The counsuls of ancient Rome were not elected directly by the people. They were elected by the Centuriate Assembly. this assembly also elected the praetors and censors. Membership in this assembly was determined by wealth and age.

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The Greek experiment was Direct Democracy, that is the Assembly was not comprised of representatives elected by the people as in today's Representative Democracies - the people themselves attended fortnightly Assembly meetings and discussed and voted on motions put before the by a Council which was elected by the tribes, but had no legislative power itself - the Council carried out the decisions of the Assembly of the People.

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During the Roman Republic the members of the popular assemblies were members for life. These assemblies were based on direct democracy. This means that instead of electing representatives to vote on bills, the people themselves voted on them. Initially they were voted on by the Assembly of the Soldiers and later by the Plebeian Council. The Assembly of the Soldiers elected the senior officers of state, the Assembly of the Tribes elected the junior officers of state and the Plebeian council elected the plebeian tribunes. All soldiers were members of the Assembly of the Soldiers. All Roman citizens were members of the Assembly of the Tribes. All plebeians (commoners) were members of the Plebeian Council. During the period of rule by emperors which followed the Republic the Assembly of the Soldiers and the Plebeian council were abolished. The Assembly of the Tribes was emasculated and reduced to a formal role. The officers of the state became appointees of the emperor and laws became imperial decrees.

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How is Rome's republican government fierent than what we have in the us today?

The two are not comparable. During the Roman Republic (509-27 BC), Rome did not have a centralised executive, like a cabinet or an administration and the Romans did not elect only the head of the government (such as a president or a prime minister). There were five types of executive officers of state and all of them were all elected annually, except for the censors who were elected every 18 months. Each of these officers of state acted independently within the remit of their office. The senate was not an elected body. It was composed of patricians (aristocrats) and former executive officers of state. It was not a legislative body either. It was an advisory body. It was a body where matters of policy were discussed and recommendations for the consuls (the two annually elected heads of the Republic) were made. Rome had three popular assemblies, the Assembly of the Soldiers which gathered all the soldiers; the Assembly of the Tribes which included all Roman citizens, who were gathered in groups, one for each of the tribes, which were the Republic's administrative areas; and the Plebeian Council which was the assembly of the plebeians, the commoners. The Assembly of the Soldiers voted on war and peace and elected the senior officers of state (the consuls, the praetors and the censors). The Assembly of the Tribes elected the junior ones (the aediles and the quaestors). Until 82 BC the Assembly of the Soldiers also acted as a court of appeal for capital punishment cases and the Assembly of the Tribes acted as a court of appeal for other cases. The Plebeian Council elected the political representatives of the plebeians, the plebeian tribunes. In the Early Republic, bills were proposed by the consuls (the two annually elected heads of the Republic) and were voted on by the soldiers gathered in the Assembly of the Soldiers. Later in the Republic the plebeian tribunes became the main proposers of bills and the Plebeian Council (the assembly of the commoners) became the main legislative body. During the subsequent period of rule by emperors (27 BC-476 AD) these arrangements were replaced by absolute rule by emperors.

Who could participate in the roman assembly government?

In the period of the Roman Republic there were three popular assemblies: the Assembly of the Soldiers (comtia centuriata), the Assembly of the Tribe (comitia tributa) and the Plebeian Council (concilium plebis. The Assembly of the Soldiers gathered the soldiers to vote on war or peace and to elect the higher executive officers of state. The Assembly of the Tribes gathered all citizens and elected the lower officers of state. The Plebeian council gathered the commoners (plebeians), elected the plebeian tribunes (the representatives of the plebeians) and voted on bills.

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