Almost any retired patrician seemed to have written a history of some sort. Unfortunately (or fortunately) many of those histories have been lost. Polybus, Lucan, Apian, Tacitus, Seutonius, Dio and Plutarch are just a few.
Some of them were Greeks: Diodorus Siculus, Dyonisius of Halicarnassus, Plutarch, Polybius.
(A+) livy,caesar,and sallust
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Juvenal is the most well known of the Roman satirists.Juvenal is the most well known of the Roman satirists.Juvenal is the most well known of the Roman satirists.Juvenal is the most well known of the Roman satirists.Juvenal is the most well known of the Roman satirists.Juvenal is the most well known of the Roman satirists.Juvenal is the most well known of the Roman satirists.Juvenal is the most well known of the Roman satirists.Juvenal is the most well known of the Roman satirists.
Publius Cornelius Tacitus [56-117 AD/ CE], Senator and Historia, most famous works were the Annals [Tiberius, Nero] and the Histories [Year of 4 emperors, Vespasian, Flavian Dynasty]. In this work it is examined the reign of the Roman Emperors from the death of Augustus [14 AD/ CE] up to the death of Domitian [96 AD/ CE].Tacitus (Publius cornelius) was a historian in the Roman Empire (ca.56-120AD). He wrote about the roman Empire and was rather pessimistic considering the period of the roman history after the end of the Republic. Not all of his works had been preserved (The Annals, Histories).
The eastern part of the Roman empire was known as the Byzantine empire.The eastern part of the Roman empire was known as the Byzantine empire.The eastern part of the Roman empire was known as the Byzantine empire.The eastern part of the Roman empire was known as the Byzantine empire.The eastern part of the Roman empire was known as the Byzantine empire.The eastern part of the Roman empire was known as the Byzantine empire.The eastern part of the Roman empire was known as the Byzantine empire.The eastern part of the Roman empire was known as the Byzantine empire.The eastern part of the Roman empire was known as the Byzantine empire.
We do not have any histories or literature written by barbarians so your question cannot be answered factually.We do not have any histories or literature written by barbarians so your question cannot be answered factually.We do not have any histories or literature written by barbarians so your question cannot be answered factually.We do not have any histories or literature written by barbarians so your question cannot be answered factually.We do not have any histories or literature written by barbarians so your question cannot be answered factually.We do not have any histories or literature written by barbarians so your question cannot be answered factually.We do not have any histories or literature written by barbarians so your question cannot be answered factually.We do not have any histories or literature written by barbarians so your question cannot be answered factually.We do not have any histories or literature written by barbarians so your question cannot be answered factually.
The Greek and Roman writing was preserved by the monks, as the church leaders found nothing in them that was contrary to Christian teachings.The Greek and Roman writing was preserved by the monks, as the church leaders found nothing in them that was contrary to Christian teachings.The Greek and Roman writing was preserved by the monks, as the church leaders found nothing in them that was contrary to Christian teachings.The Greek and Roman writing was preserved by the monks, as the church leaders found nothing in them that was contrary to Christian teachings.The Greek and Roman writing was preserved by the monks, as the church leaders found nothing in them that was contrary to Christian teachings.The Greek and Roman writing was preserved by the monks, as the church leaders found nothing in them that was contrary to Christian teachings.The Greek and Roman writing was preserved by the monks, as the church leaders found nothing in them that was contrary to Christian teachings.The Greek and Roman writing was preserved by the monks, as the church leaders found nothing in them that was contrary to Christian teachings.The Greek and Roman writing was preserved by the monks, as the church leaders found nothing in them that was contrary to Christian teachings.
Tibullas, Propertiurius, and Ovid
Julius Caesar and sallust
Tacitus is known as being a historian and Roman senator during the Roman Empire, there are several partial surviving works and writings of Tacitus left such as the Annals and the Histories.
There are many known Roman historians. Some of them are: Dionysius of Halicarnassus, Plutarch, Livy, Polybus, Appian, Paterculus, Sallust, Caesar, Dio Cassius, Tacitus, and Suetonius. In addition to the historians many prominent Romans also wrote their autobiographies or memoirs which are also considered a type of history. The "big three" are Tacitus, Seutonius and Dio, but there were many others, such as Appian, Livy and Polybius.
Julius Caesar is not known for writing satire. Horace, on the other hand, was a Roman poet known for his satirical works.
The men who wrote Roman history were historians. Some of them were Roman and some were Greek. Earlier historians were Fabius Pictor, Cato the Elder, Gellius, Piso, Polybius (Greek), Livy, Sallust, Dionysus of Halicarnassus (Greek), Diodorus Siculus (Greek) and. Important later historians were Pliny the Elder, Josephus, Tacitus, Suetonis, Appian (Greek) and Cassus Dio (Greek). Important historians in late Antiquity wereAurelus Victor, Eutropius, and Festus.
Herodotus is known as the "Father of History" and is best known as the author of "The Histories" .
Herodotus had little problem in writing the histories - he collected the information through visits in Greece and Asia and wrote The Histories (= The Researches) as a series of lectures delivered in Athens for a fat fee for attendance. He then published it as the book we know.
The Roman writing invented in the 7th century. This is considered to be among some of the most ancient forms of writing.
About this is that this ancient roman writing and reading was first called latin.