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Q: Why did Louis fail in his attempt to expand the french empire?
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Who inherited Charlemagne empire?

Louis and Pouis

Who first discovered what causes illness?

Louis Pasteur(1822-1895) a French chemist first discovered what causes illness.

Who ended Charlemagne's empire?

After the death of his son the empire was divided between his (Louis, the sons of Charlemagne) three sons, as was common in his culture. De title of "holy Roman Emperor" was given to the most eastern part, today known as Germany. That is also the reason that Germany was known as "the Holy Roman Empire" until 1806. So it was his son who first divided his empire, but it existed until 1806.

What was Louis riels culture like?

Mostly French Canadian but living in Western Canada he had some influences from the local Cree, Scottish and English.

How was the empire of Charlemagne split?

The custom among the Franks was not that the eldest son became king of all, but that the kingdom was divided among heirs. When Charlemagne became king, he was a co-ruler with his brother Carloman, who died after only a couple years leaving Charlemagne able to rule alone. The problem with this was that when brothers inherited the throne they nearly always fought over which got what territory. And this was the case with the children of Louis the Pious, who was a son of Charlemagne, and who became emperor, and who was the only legitimate son to survive Charlemagne. There sons of Louis the Pious, named Lothair, Louis, Pepin, and Charles, and they fought a long series of wars with each other, starting long before their father died. Eventually, the empire was divided permanently at the Treaty of Verdun in 843, and became the Kingdom of France, and the empire that came to be known as the Holy Roman Empire. This is a highly simplistic version of what happened. There is a link below to an article on the Carolingian Empire, which gives more details.

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Why did Louis XIV attempt to expand the french empire?


Why did Louis fail in his attempts to expand the empire?

Poop sickles

What did Louis IV want to achieve in the late 1600's?

He hoped to expand French power in Europe and the New World.

Why did Louis xiv go to war?

Louis XIV went to war to gain territory, expand his empire and win glory. Louis XIV believed that the only way to obtain glory was through conquest.

Who did marquette and joliet sail for?

According to Historians, the French King Louis XIV commissioned James Marquette and Louis Joliet to explore the American continent for expanding the French empire.

What was the main accomplishment of the French Empire?

Napoleon im guessing? Louis XIV? what time period

What does Louis xvi attempt to do?

This one time he attempted to stop French radicalists (Bourgeoisie) from killing him, his wife, and his son. He failed.

What was the government after Napoleon?

he used an Absolute Monarchy where the king queen or emperor has full control over the country

Who was the french monarch who determined to build an empire in America?

Louis XIV, a.k.a. "Le Roi du soleil", the sun king.

Who was Louis Bonaparte?

only President(1848-52) of the French Second Republic and, as Napoleon III, the Emperor (1852-70) of the Second French Empire. He was the nephew and heir of Napoleon I.

Why was New France founded?

By the 1660's the french fur trade was nearly destroyed,and the FRench hold in North America was crumbling.hoping to rebuild the French empire in North America,King Louis XIV or Louis the 14 made a new France a royal colony. By:HelloKitty951

What is Louis pastuers nationality?

Louis Pasteur was French.