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Some Germanic peoples in central Europe (the Vandals and the Seuves and the Burgundians) and an Iranian speaking people (the Alans), invaded Gaul because they were seeking new lands to settle. There was population pressure on the land in this area due to what historians have called the Migration Period. A migration into an invasion of Eastern Europe by the Huns had squeezed these peoples into central Europe. In addition to this, there was pressure from Germanic peoples further north who were migrating southwards from northern Germany. Some of these peoples, the Angles, Saxons and Jutes and the Frisians from the north of the Netherlands, migrated to Britain in waves and took this island over.

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The Visigoths (Goths of the west) asked the Romans to be allowed to settle in the lower Danube River area of the Roman Empire to escape the Huns who were invading their homeland (Ukraine.) The emperor Valens granted this in 376. The Ostrogoths (Goths of the east) came under the rule of the Huns and moved to the new heartland the Huns established for themselves in the Hungarian plains east of the river Danube. A Group of Ostrogoths, Alans and Huns crossed the Danube and settled in the Roman Province of Pannonia, on the other bank of the mid-Danube (roughly present day western Hungary). The emperor Gratian allowed them to stay there as allies in 380. They proved to be loyal and defended the area from incursions. The Ostrogoths who had remained under the Hunnic rule, together with the Gepids, defeated the sons of Attila the Hun in in the Battle of Nedao (454) after Attila's death in 443 and destroyed their empire. They entered into relations with the Roman empire and were allowed to settle in Pannonia to join the other Ostrogoths there.

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They were searching for habitable land, and also they had the pressure of other nomadic peoples pushing them ahead.

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The Visigoths wanted the escape the Huns who were invading their territory. They asked the Romans for sanctuary.

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They asked emperor Valens to allow them to settle south of the lower Danube so that they could escape attacks by the Huns.

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Q: Why did the Goths move into the Roman empire in the AD 300's?
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Why did the goth move into the Roman Empire?

The Goths wanted to escape from the Huns. They came under attack by the Huns who were expanding into their homeland (Ukraine) and then also invaded Eastern Europe. In 375 a Gothic group, the Visigoths (Goths of the west), asked the Romans for permission to settle in Roman province of Moesia to escape from the Huns. This was in the lower river Danube area of the Roman Empire (in present day Bulgaria). It was the area of this empire which was closest to them. The emperor Valens allowed them to settle there 376. The Visigoths became allies of the Romans, but at times they disagreed with them and fought them. The other Goths stayed behind, were defeated by the Huns and came under their domination. A group made up of some Goths, Alans and Huns from the Huns' new heartland in the Hungarian plains east of the mid-course of the Danube invaded the Roman province of Pannonia. This was on the other side of the banks of his part of this river (roughly modern western Hungary). In 380 the emperor Gratian allowed them to settle there as allies. They then protected Pannonia for invasions. These Goths came to be called the Ostrogoths (Goths of the east). After fall of the Empire of the Huns in 451, other Ostrogoths who had remained under the domination of the Huns joined them in this province of the Roman Empire.

Who united the Roman empire moved the capital from Rome to Byzantium and he stopped the persecution of Christians?

Relevant answers:Who moved the capital of the Romans Empire from Rome to Byzantium?Constantine. Read MoreWho moved to capital of the Roman Empire from Rome to Byzantium?Easy! Constantine obviously move the capital. Come on a 5th grader knows this! seriously - Constantius, retard. - Read MoreWho moved the capital of the roman empire from rome to byzantium?Constantine Read MoreWhat roman empire stopped the persecution of Christians?The roman emperor ConstantineThe Roman emperor Galerius was the first to pass a law that the Christians were not to be persecuted. Constantine the great was the first Christian emperor. Read MoreWho moved the capital of the roman empire to Byzantium?Canstantine moved the capital of the Roman Empire to Byzantium. =) Read MoreAll already answered on the site.

What were the two critical decisions Constantine made after he defeated Maxentius?

he had to do two things that's all I know.

How did Rome fall?

The ancient Roman Empire fell because it was unable to logistically maintain its military supremacy in Europe. This was despite the de facto control of the government by military leaders in place of the Emperor. After the fall of Rome to Germanic mercenaries in 476 AD, the eastern or Byzantine Empire continued for another 1,000 years until conquered by the Ottomans in the 1400's.In Some DetailThe Western Roman Empire which was ruled by the City of Rome fell because of the lack of manpower to defend its borders from Barbarians who all wanted a piece of the Roman Land. Bad Emperor after Bad Emperor was put on the throne. Each Legion of the Roman Army wanted one of their own people on the throne. Finally, Constantine became Emperor and moved the Capital to Constantinople (modern day Istanbul). While this happened, the Western Empire was put into ruin. More and More often the Western Roman Empire was forced to make deals with the Barbarians who said that they would defend the Western Roman Empire if they were allowed to live in Roman territories.One day Alaric, leader of the Visigoth, realized that Roman Forces were spread thinly in the Empire and in AD 410 he and his Army began to cautiously move South and into Italy. The Romans might have just withdrawn to the Italian Peninsula and held that for another 100-200 years until they had the manpower to retake Europe. But instead, the Roman Army let the barbarians move unopposed through Italy. When they finally reached the city of Rome, they sacked the city. Other barbarians came and attacked the city, but the City of Rome finally stayed out of Roman hands when Romulus Augustus became Emperor of Rome. When Romulus was removed from power in 476 AD, the emperor Zeno of the Eastern Empire accepted the Germanic chieftain Odoacer as ruler of Italy. This marked the end of the Western Roman Empire. :P

What is Roman Empire civilization?

A Roman Empire is a series of empires who each claimed the right for the imperial throne and who considered themselves the heirs of the Roman Empire founded by Augustus. After the colapse of the Western Roman Empire in 476 AD, the East Roman Empire commonly known as Byzantine Empire considered themselves the true heirs of the once powerful empire. They had all rights to do so and despite their helenistic metamorphosis, they considered themselves Romans until the very end in 1453 AD. Another Empire had risen in The Dark Ages thus claiming they were the rightfull heirs of the West Empire as well as of the Empire as a whole. That was the Frankish Kingdom. On Christmas day 800 AD pope Leo III crowned Chalemagne as a Roman Emperor. The Empire had split apart and had a series of turmoils until the pope of 968 John XII didn't crowned Otto I as emperor. From that moment on The Holy Roman Empire enters the pages of history surviving until 1804 when it was abolished by Napoleon. After the colapse of Byzantium, the empire who destroyed them considered themselves sole heirs of Augustus' empire. They were The Ottoman Empire which lasted from 1300 to World War I when the republic was founded by Ataturk. However even the pope claimed his right as an heir of the Empire calling upon the Donation of Constantine, a probably false document in which Constantine the Great leaves his wordly rights to pope Sylvester I. Ivan Groznyi, the first Russian Emperor, had also considered himself a Roman Emperor. Even Moscow was refered as the third Rome. A Roman Empire is a series of empires who each claimed the right for the imperial throne and who considered themselves the heirs of the Roman Empire founded by Augustus. After the colapse of the Western Roman Empire in 476 AD, the East Roman Empire commonly known as Byzantine Empire considered themselves the true heirs of the once powerful empire. They had all rights to do so and despite their helenistic metamorphosis, they considered themselves Romans until the very end in 1453 AD. Another Empire had risen in The Dark Ages thus claiming they were the rightfull heirs of the West Empire as well as of the Empire as a whole. That was the Frankish Kingdom. On Christmas day 800 AD pope Leo III crowned Chalemagne as a Roman Emperor. The Empire had split apart and had a series of turmoils until the pope of 968 John XII didn't crowned Otto I as emperor. From that moment on The Holy Roman Empire enters the pages of history surviving until 1804 when it was abolished by Napoleon. After the colapse of Byzantium, the empire who destroyed them considered themselves sole heirs of Augustus' empire. They were The Ottoman Empire which lasted from 1300 to World War I when the republic was founded by Ataturk. However even the pope claimed his right as an heir of the Empire calling upon the Donation of Constantine, a probably false document in which Constantine the Great leaves his wordly rights to pope Sylvester I. Ivan Groznyi, the first Russian Emperor, had also considered himself a Roman Emperor. Even Moscow was refered as the third Rome.

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Why did the the goths move into the Roman Empire in the S's?

ask your girlfriend how should u know

Why dithe goths move into the roman empire in the 300s?

The Goths wanted to escape from the Huns. The Huns were invading Eastern Europe and expanding into the homeland of the Goths (Ukraine). In 375 the Visigoths (Goths of the west), asked the Romans for permission to settle in Roman province of Moesia to escape from the Huns. This was in the lower river Danube area of the Roman Empire (in present day Bulgaria). It was the area of this empire which was closest to them. The emperor Valens allowed them to settle there 376. The Visigoths became allies of the Romans, but at times they disagreed with them and fought them. The Ostrogoths (Goths of the East), instead, were defeated by the Huns and came under their rule. A group made up of some of the Ostrogoths, Alans and Huns moved from the Huns' new heartland in the Hungarian plains east of the mid-course of the Danube and invaded the Roman province of Pannonia, on the other side of this part this river (roughly modern western Hungary and eastern Austria). In 380 the emperor Gratian allowed them to settle there as allies. They then protected Pannonia from invasions. The Ostrogoths who had remained in the heartland of the Huns, together with the Gepids, defeated the Huns and destroyed their empire in 454. After this these Ostrogoths were allowed to settle in Pannonia as well.

Which cause for the demise of the Western Roman Empire could have been prevented?

The demise was occasioned by the influx of the peoples of Eurasia - Goths, Vandals, Franks Bulgars etc etc. This massive move of peoples could not be prevented.

Why did the goth move into the Roman Empire?

The Goths wanted to escape from the Huns. They came under attack by the Huns who were expanding into their homeland (Ukraine) and then also invaded Eastern Europe. In 375 a Gothic group, the Visigoths (Goths of the west), asked the Romans for permission to settle in Roman province of Moesia to escape from the Huns. This was in the lower river Danube area of the Roman Empire (in present day Bulgaria). It was the area of this empire which was closest to them. The emperor Valens allowed them to settle there 376. The Visigoths became allies of the Romans, but at times they disagreed with them and fought them. The other Goths stayed behind, were defeated by the Huns and came under their domination. A group made up of some Goths, Alans and Huns from the Huns' new heartland in the Hungarian plains east of the mid-course of the Danube invaded the Roman province of Pannonia. This was on the other side of the banks of his part of this river (roughly modern western Hungary). In 380 the emperor Gratian allowed them to settle there as allies. They then protected Pannonia for invasions. These Goths came to be called the Ostrogoths (Goths of the east). After fall of the Empire of the Huns in 451, other Ostrogoths who had remained under the domination of the Huns joined them in this province of the Roman Empire.

When did Justinian move the capital to Constantinople?

The Roman Empire never actually fell but relocated it's capital to Byzantium and converted to Christianity at around the same time because of the emperor Constantine the Great. This move is often stated to have ended the Roman Empire in 476 AD but the peoples of Byzantium and those they ruled never stopped calling themselves Romans and never called their empire the Byzantine Empire as this was a fabrication by historians to separate the pagan Roman Empire from the Christian Roman Empire and to separate the Holy Roman Empire from the Roman Empire to prevent confusion. The Roman Empire with it's capital at Byzantium / Constantinople fell in 1453 with the fall of Constantinople meaning that the Roman Empire after it moved to Constantinople lasted around 977 years.

Why did the goths begin to move into roman territory in large numbers?

Because they were under the pressure of the westward expansion of the Huns into Ukraine and Moldova. They asked to be allowed to move south of the river Danube, which was Roman territory, for their safety and to avoid being forced to become vassals of the Huns.

What external problems weakened the Roman Empire that led to its fall?

The inexorable move of Eurasian peoples across the Empire.

How long After the capital of the Roman Empire was moved to Constantinople The Roman Empire lasted?

The Roman Empire never actually fell but relocated it's capital to Byzantium and converted to Christianity at around the same time because of the emperor Constantine the Great. This move is often stated to have ended the Roman Empire in 476 AD but the peoples of Byzantium and those they ruled never stopped calling themselves Romans and never called their empire the Byzantine Empire as this was a fabrication by historians to separate the pagan Roman Empire from the Christian Roman Empire and to separate the Holy Roman Empire from the Roman Empire to prevent confusion. The Roman Empire with it's capital at Byzantium / Constantinople fell in 1453 with the fall of Constantinople meaning that the Roman Empire after it moved to Constantinople lasted around 977 years.

Why did the Romans began to move south towards the Roman empire?

Cause the Golden Horde and the Germans were kickin' in.

What was the emperor's purpose for dividing the Roman Empire?

a) The senate did not want him to have too much power b) He thought that dividing the empire would make it easier to rule c) He wanted to give the Christian minority a region of their own d) Laws for one part of the empire did not work well in the other part

Why was important for the roman empire to build a vast network of roads?

Roman roads allowed their army to move quickly to quell any rebellion by the native tribes.

Reasons why Germanic tribes attacked the Western Roman Empire?

They move into the Empire from the east, pushed by other peoples behind them. They were initially settled in the Empire on the borders to help protect them from later arrivals. They became integrated into the empire structure - the last Roman Emperor Romulus was replaced by his army commanded Odoacer, a Goth.