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he had to do two things that's all I know.

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Ur Boy Elmo

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wow...really? I never knew that
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Vanessa Baker

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well ya no duh
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Um, this was a waste of time
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12y ago

To convert to Christianity and to move the capital of the Roman Empire to his new city of Constantinople.

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Crunchy G

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this really helped thx

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Q: What were the two critical decisions Constantine made after he defeated Maxentius?
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Who were the two junior emperors or Caesars that took over as co-emperors when Diocletian and Maximian stepped down in 305 AD?

Diocletian's Caesar was and Maximian's Caesar was. When the two Augusti abdicated in 305 Galerius and Constantius I became Augusti. However, things quickly became complicated. Constantius died in 306 and Galerius appointed Severus (sometimes known as Severus II) as Augustus of the west. Maxentius, the son of Maximian, rebelled and proclaimed himself emperor in the west. Severus died in 307 in the fighting against Maxentius. Galerius refused to acknowledge Maxentius and nominated Licinius Augustus of the west in 308. Galerius died in 311.Licinus, who remained Augustus of the west, agreed with Maximinus II Daia to share the provinces of the east with him and took the European ones. However, Maximinus made an alliance with Maxentius. This forced Licinius to make an alliance with Constantine the Great (Constantius' son) whose troops in Britannia had proclaimed him as Augustus and whose proclamation was also acknowledged in Gaul. Constantine defeated Maxentius in a civil was in 312 and became Augustus of the west. After this there was a civil war between Constantine and Licinius from 316 to 324. Constantine won and became sole emperor.

What event occurred before Constantine's battle with Maxentius?

i don't have the foggiest idea

Did the halves of the Roman empire attack each other?

The eastern and western parts of the Roman Empire were two parts of a sole Roman Empire and never attacked each other. They did not attack each other because they were part of the same empire. In fact there ware alternations of periods with co-emperors (with one in charge of the east and one in charge of the west) and periods with a sole emperor for the whole of the empire. In 307 Galerius, the senior emperor in the eastern part, attacked Maxentius, a usurper emperor in Italy. However, this was not an attack of the east on the west. It was an attempt to deal with usurpation. Finding himself in a vulnerable position, Galerius did not engage Maxentius, withdrew from Italy and proclaimed Licinius as senior emperor in the west and Constantine as junior emperor in the west. Maxentius was eventually defeated by Constantine, who, after winning a civil war against Licinius (who had become senior emperor of the eastern part of the empire after the defeat of Maxentius) became the sole emperor of the whole Roman Empire. Theodosius I attacked Magnus Maximus a usurper emperor who took over the provinces of the western part of the Roman Empire except for Italy. Theodosius won. After this the emperor of the western part of the empire, Valentinian II, was found hanging in his room and there was another usurper emperor, Eugenius. Theodosius defeated him and became the sole emperor of the whole of the Roman Empire.

Did Constantine defeat Diocletian to become Emperor of Rome?

No. Constantine defeated a rival general named Severus to become Emperor of Rome. In fact, Diocletian was the first emperor to abdicate, and he lived out the rest of his life quietly.

How long did Constantine rule Rome?

There was no such thing as a United Roman Empire, no such title ever occurred. There was always just one title: Roman Empire. This empire was never divided. There had been alternations of periods of co-emperorship and periods with a sole emperor. In the early days of co-emperorship, this involved an emperor in charge of the east or west and his son in charge of the other part as a co-emperor. Later there were times when the co-emperors were brothers. Not long before Constantine's bid for power, the emperor Diocletian created the tetrarchy (rule by four) where the empire was ruled by two senior emperors (Augusti, plural, Augustus, singular) and two junior emperors (Caesar(s)). Each of these men was in charge of one the four administrative units of the empire which Diocletian had created: the praetorian prefectures. These were subunits of a sole empire. Constantine was the sole emperor of the Roman Empire for thirteen years, from 324 to his death in 337. In 306 Constantine became the Caesar of the praetorian prefecture of Galliae (Britain, Gaul and Hispania). In 309 he declared himself Augustus of the west, but was not actually in charge of the whole of the west because Maxentius, a usurper, was in charge of the praetorian prefecture of Italia et Africa. In 312 Constantine defeated Maxentius in a civil war and became effectively the Augustus of the west until 324. In 324 he won a civil war against his co-emperor, Licinius, the Augustus of the east, and become sole emperor.

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Who was Constantine's rival that was defeated and killed at the battle of Milvian Bridge?

Maxentius .

Did Constantine rule the eastern empire of rome?

Constantine defeated Emperors Maxentius and Licinius and reunited the Empire under his sole rule reversing Diocletian's splitting it into four.

What were Constantine's successes?

He defeated Maxentius at the battle of Milvian Bridge, he defeated Licinius and became emperor over the entire empire which he then divided amongst his sons and nephew, he spread christianity, and he established the city of constantinople

What Emperor in the west did Constantine defeat to become the only Emperor of Rome?

Constantine defeated Maxentius, an usurper emperor in Rome, who took charge of Italy. However, this did not make him the sole emperor. He became co-emperor with Licinius, the emperor of the west. Therefore, it was when he defeated the emperor of the east (Licinius) in his second civil war that Constantine became the sole emperor.

What was the sequence of military events that resulted in Constantines becoming sole emperor ofthe western and eastern roman emperors?

Constantine the Great became sole emperor after winning two civil wars.Civil war against Maxentius. Constantine fought against Maxentius, the son of former emperor Maximian who usurped the tile of emperor in the west following riots in the city of Rome. Constantine defeated his armies at Turin and Verona in the spring of 312. He then defeated Maxentius at the Battle of the Milvian Bridge just outside Rome, which won the war in October 312.Civil war against Licinius.Constantine fought co-emperor Licinius. Constantine won the Battle of Cibalae (in modern Croatia) in October 314 or 316. The Battle of Mardia (in Bulgaria or Greece) in late 316 or early 317 was indecisive. A peace deal was made, but it broke down when Licinius started to persecute the Christians. Constantine won the Battle of Adrianople (in European Turkey close to the Greek border) in July 324. Constantine's eldest son, Crispus, won the naval Battle of Hellespont (the Dardanelles, a strait between the Mediterranean and the Sea of Marmara, southwest of Istanbul) in July 324. Constantine won the final Battle of Chrysopolis (in Asian Turkey, opposite Istanbul) in September 324.

Who were the two junior emperors or Caesars that took over as co-emperors when Diocletian and Maximian stepped down in 305 AD?

Diocletian's Caesar was and Maximian's Caesar was. When the two Augusti abdicated in 305 Galerius and Constantius I became Augusti. However, things quickly became complicated. Constantius died in 306 and Galerius appointed Severus (sometimes known as Severus II) as Augustus of the west. Maxentius, the son of Maximian, rebelled and proclaimed himself emperor in the west. Severus died in 307 in the fighting against Maxentius. Galerius refused to acknowledge Maxentius and nominated Licinius Augustus of the west in 308. Galerius died in 311.Licinus, who remained Augustus of the west, agreed with Maximinus II Daia to share the provinces of the east with him and took the European ones. However, Maximinus made an alliance with Maxentius. This forced Licinius to make an alliance with Constantine the Great (Constantius' son) whose troops in Britannia had proclaimed him as Augustus and whose proclamation was also acknowledged in Gaul. Constantine defeated Maxentius in a civil was in 312 and became Augustus of the west. After this there was a civil war between Constantine and Licinius from 316 to 324. Constantine won and became sole emperor.

What was constans accomplishments?

Constans defeated his elder brother Constantine II when Constantine attacked him

What did Constantine do that was?

He defeated his rivals and became sole emperor

What event occurred before Constantine's battle with Maxentius?

i don't have the foggiest idea

What did consantine do to stabliZe the empire?

Constantine the Great stabilised the Roman Empire by winning two civil wars (one against Maxentius, a usurper emperor in Italy, and one against his co-emperor, Licinius) and becoming sole emperor. The emperor Diocletian had set up the tetrarchy (rule by four) whereby the Roman Empire was ruled by two senior emperors (Augusti, plural of Augustus) and two junior emperors (Caesars), with each one of the four emperors in charge of a part of the empire. When Diocletian and the other senior emperor (Maximian) abdicated there were power struggles in the empire. When Constantius Chlorus (Constantine's father) who had been a Caesar and then became an Augustus, died a year later Constantine wanted the become the Augustus of the western part of the Roman Empire. However, he was appointed as only a Caesar. Meanwhile, Maxentius usurped the imperial title in Italy and made himself emperor of Italy and Africa. Constantine, in his bid to become an Augustus, organised political support in the area of the empire he controlled (Britain and Gaul) and then fought against Maxentius and defeated him. With this he became the emperor of the western part of the empire, while Licinius was the emperor of the eastern part. Constantine and Licinius then fought each other. Constantine won this civil war, too, and became the sole emperor of the whole empire. Having a sole emperor brought the civil wars to an end and stabilised the empire.

How did Constantine reunite the roman empire?

In 324 AD when he had defeated his co-emperor Licinius.

Who was Roman general who defeated all his rivals for the imperial throne and created a new capital city?